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If it is remembered that all these sufferings continued in their petty details each day, and that when night came we had not even a bed on which to stretch our weary limbs, some idea may be formed of the privations we endured on this campaign.

As for the particular direction which those efforts should take, the detail of the whole enterprise, the plan of the campaign all this lies beyond us, and a sketch of it would most probably be a mere chimera.

Out of this split came the establishment in the ranks of the Republican party itself of a faction which called itself the New Idea branch of the Republican party. The campaign for humane legislation within the ranks of the G.O.P. was at last begun in real fighting fashion.

They simply calculated on a year’s campaign in Pisidia, from which they would return to their homes enriched. So they were assured by the Greek commanders at Sardis, and so these commanders believed, for Cyrus stood high in popular estimation for liberality and good faith. He was of high family, and a pupil of Socrates, but embarked against the wishes and advice of his teacher.

Although the credit of these successful operations was entirely due to Gessi, it must not be supposed that General Gordon took no part in controlling them; but, for the sake of clearness, it seemed advisable to narrate the history of the campaign against Suleiman without a break.

The Kishinev outrages were the direct and logical outcome of the campaign of calumny and hatred against the Jews waged by the local newspaper, the Bessarabetz, owned and edited by a Moldavian named Kroushevan.

It was not likely that any militia troops would be idling about that cart of the country; and if there were, the demons could very easily manage them. One of the two men who crossed the morass on stilts was Master Matyas, whose distance marches during this campaign were something phenomenal.

Washington observed that, as there was a prospect of a vigorous campaign he should be gratified with the aid of General Arnold that so soon as the operations against New York should commence, he designed to draw his whole force into the field, leaving even West Point to the care of invalids and a small garrison of militia.

It became apparent that this hitherto obscure man from the Far West was the strongest nominee a somewhat disunited party could have named, and Harley, whose interest at first had been for the campaign itself rather than its result, began to have a feeling that after all Grayson might be elected at least he had a fighting chance, which might be more if it were not for the shadow of Goodnight, Crayon, and their kind.

It was about breakfast-time, when Major Dalgetty, being dismissed by Montrose, went in quest of his old acquaintances, Lord Menteith and the M'Aulays, to whom he longed to communicate his own adventures, as well as to learn from them the particulars of the campaign.