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There was a bar at the farther end of the long room, there was always a bar somewhere in those days; and there were cages filled with strange birds and beasts, as any one might know with his eyes shut, for the odor of it all was repelling. The strangest feature of that most strange hostelry was the amazing wealth of cobwebs that mantled it.

I saw this done several times. Our road next led us through part of the butchers' quarter, where rats were hung up by their tails, and what looked very like skinned cats and dogs dangled beside them. Whole cages full of these animals were exposed for sale alive.

In a large room on the second floor of the building, among cages of birds and animals, some stuffed, others still living, we perceived, seated by a window, a figure clad in bright cashmere dressing-gown and gay tasselled cap, tranquilly smoking a tah-nee-hoo-rah, or long Indian pipe.

When he had convinced himself that all was going on well he desired one of the priests to call Pentaur. After the departure of the exiled prince Rameri, the young priest had gone to the work-room of his friend Nebsecht. The leech went uneasily from his phials to his cages, and from his cages back to his flasks.

The air was pleasantly odorous of cheeses and cooked meats, cocks crowed unseen in crates and cages, bare-headed boys pushed loaded trucks through the narrow aisles. Susan and Miss Thornton would climb a short flight of whitewashed stairs to a little lunch-room over one of the oyster stalls.

In one part of his domain there were cages containing dogs, and on my asking about them he said that he was beginning a course of experiments bearing on the causes and cure of hydrophobia. Nothing could be more simple and modest than this announcement of one of the most fruitful investigations ever made.

The kampong was neat and clean; there were many new wooden kapatongs, as well as small wooden cages on poles, evidently serving for sacrificial offerings. The following day we arrived at Long Iram. Of comparatively recent origin, the town lies on level land, and its inhabitants outside the garrison are Malays, Chinese, and Dayaks.

The dame laughed. "Run along, petite," she said. "I must attend to the house." Inside this inclosure there was a really beautiful garden, a tiny park it might be justly called. Birds of many kinds flew about, others of strange plumage were in latticed cages.

Only the artist's low whistling as he worked, or the patter and pipe of the birds in their cages by the window, broke the stillness of the spacious room, till the voice and step of a man were presently heard in the anteroom. Heron laid by his graver and Melissa her gold embroidery, and the eyes of father and daughter met for the first time for some hours.

Later he found them in a drunken stupor in the kitchen. That was where they belonged. He ordered his prisoners to be brought into the Court of Death and left there. "You see?" said Umballa. "Now, where have you hidden the treasure?" Kathlyn walked over to one of the cages and peered into it. A sleek tiger trotted up to the bar; and purred and invited her to scratch his head.