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Do not they come to Paris and live in the great hotels and demand cocktails and read the stock reports and send cablegrams all the day long? and go to the Folies Bergeres, and yawn? Nom de nom, of what does his conversation consist? Of the price of railroads; is it not so? I, who speak to you, have talked to him. Does he know how to make love?"

Stewart was never one to give way to emotion, and it was but a few moments before she drew herself erect, wiped her eyes, and said quietly: "I'll show you the cablegram." She went to her desk, and drew out the message, clipped, abbreviated in the puzzling fashion of cablegrams: "Regret inform you, Bickett killed, action French front. Details later." "Caillard? Caillard?"

Next he cabled The Harlow and Benton Company, Limited, requesting them to pay off Matt Peasley and, if necessary, invoke the authorities to remove him from the vessel. "That fellow is a tough one to handle," he remarked to Cappy Ricks, to whom he showed all the cablegrams, "but I guess this will about cut off his wind." "A sea lawyer is the curse of the Seven Seas!" Cappy declared waspishly.

July 18 United States government orders censorship of telegrams and cablegrams crossing frontiers. July 19 New German Chancellor Michaelis declares Germany will not war for conquest; radicals and Catholic party ask peace without forced acquisitions of territory. July 22 Siam declares war on Germany. July 23 Premier Kerensky given unlimited powers in Russia.

It will be noted that Pratt explained to Aguinaldo that he had no authority to speak for the government; that there was no mention in the cablegrams between Pratt and Dewey of independence or indeed of any conditions on which Aguinaldo was to coöperate, these details being left for future arrangement with Dewey; and that Pratt thought that he had prevented possible conflict of action and facilitated the work of occupying and administering the Philippines.

On January 12, 13, 14 and 15 General Lee sent brief cablegrams to the department in regard to those rioting and the demonstrations against autonomy and Blanco and the three newspaper offices. January 13 he said some of the rioters threatened to go to the United States consulate. "Ships," he said, "are not needed, but may be later. If Americans are in danger ships should move promptly for Havana.

THE OCEAN CABLE. The remaining department of Telegraphy is embodied in the startling departure from ancient ideas of the possible which we know as cable telegraphy, the messages by such means being cablegrams.

He stressed the last word significantly, and I thanked heaven for Dunny and the forces which I knew that rather important old personage could set to work. "Also," I continued coolly, "there will be various cablegrams from United States officials awaiting us, which will convince you, I hope, that I am not likely to be a spy. There will be a statement from the friend who dined with me at the St.

"Jake and Carrie don't look curious," Jim remarked dryly. "Well, I went to the lawyer's room, mornings, and answered his questions, read the night-letters the Montreal office sent him, and waited for replies to their English cablegrams." "But what did he say about your claim?" "I don't know if it will interest your son and daughter, but I'll tell you.

A batch of cablegrams reached him, including one from Dick Lomas and one from Robert Boulger, congratulating him on his success.