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"Who wants to take a whirl, boys?" Inside of three minutes he had placed a hundred dollars. The terms of the race were arranged and the money put in the hands of the foreman. "Each man to ride his own caballo," suggested Hart slyly. This brought a laugh. The idea of Ad Miller's two hundred and fifty pounds in the seat of a jockey made for hilarity.

He knew exactly where he wanted to go, and he moved toward his destination in the line of greatest economy. Morning found him descending from a mountain pass to the Ruidosa. "Breakfast soon, you wall-faced old Piute," Jim told his mount. "You're sure a weary caballo, but we got to keep hitting the trail till we cross that hogback." A thin film of smoke rose from a little valley to the left.

She place her finger on me and said ombre and I took out my little book and wrote down ombre as meaning man, and in the same way she taught me that mujer, was woman; trigo, wheat; frijoles, beans; carne, meat; calazasa, pumpkin; caballo, horse; vaca, cow; muchacho, boy, and several other words in this way.

With regard to the vessel, I request that she may remain in the custody of the same agent until condemned and sold. I have the honour to be, &c., &c. His Excellency the Governor and Military Commander of Puerto Caballo.

"It is well that you should see some horsemanship! Bring the yellow caballo, then. Truly, I will show you what I can do." "Come, Surry," called Dade, and the white horse walked up to him and nibbled playfully his bearskin chaparejos. "Solano's in the little corral, off this big one. I'll bring your saddle " "I don't want any saddle. I'm going to ride him bareback, with a rope over his nose.

"But if you'll run in, /chica/, and throw a pot of coffee together while I attend to the /caballo/, I'll be a good deal obliged." Besides his marksmanship the Kid had another attribute for which he admired himself greatly. He was /muy caballero/, as the Mexicans express it, where the ladies were concerned. For them he had always gentle words and consideration.

One of the 'fine old families, they are, Jack. I came back after you and my traps." "That fellow you bought the white caballo from got shot that same night," Jack observed irrelevantly. "He was weeping all over me part of the evening, because he'd sold the horse and you had pulled out so he couldn't buy him back.

The little vessel, it now appeared, was a coaster, sailing under French colours, and was bound from Jean Rabel to Porto Caballo. She was consequently a prize, though utterly valueless to us; and Courtenay's instructions had been that, if such proved to be the case, he was to take her crew out of her and set her on fire.

"Thot li'l' caballo," he began, "he's bringin' me mooch good luck. Thot potrillo he's wort' seven he's wort' si eight dolars thot potrillo. I t'ink I haf sell heem, too queek in town! But first I must go cuttin' thee wood!" With this he let down the bars and entered the inclosure. Then his thoughts took an abrupt turn. "I keel thot Pedro Garcia soomtime bet you' life!

Valencia, a-quiver with eagerness, laid a slim hand upon the braided front of Dade's close-fitting buckskin jacket. "The prize will be Solano! That beautiful caballo beautiful even as thy Surry which the patron has not permitted rawhide to touch, except for the branding. Like the sunshine he is, with his hair of gold; and the tail that waves to his heels is like the ripples on the bay at sunrise.