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Peter, perhaps, and hoping humbly that it and others would be overlooked, "since after all he had done the right thing by the young gent." Poor Sims, he was sorry for him, but it might have been worse. He might have been in the cab himself and now be offering explanations of his own as to a wild desire to kill that knight in armour, and Isobel as well. Oh! what a fool he had been.

Then dragging, or rather carrying, his frightened daughter to the cab, thrust her in, and, as he followed after, gave the driver the direction of his house, and ordered him to go there at the quickest speed. Jane either was, or affected to be, unconscious, when she arrived at home. Two days after, this paragraph appeared in one of the daily papers.

And then, a cab having been summoned, he led the way out. No one was by; the street had not a soul in it, and the King knew that once more foresight and care were watching over him. "I have paid the cabman, sir," said the inspector, as he closed the door. "And, sir, would you kindly say where he is to go?" There was a hint of discretion in the man's tone.

The cab crossed the Pont-Neuf and entered the Rue de Harlay by the Place Dauphine; the driver was paid as the door opened, and stepping lightly up the stairs Madame Danglars soon reached the Salle des Pas-Perdus.

He called a cab and drove straight to the station where, amid the palm-leaf fans of a perspiring crowd, he waited a long half-hour for his train to start. He had thrust a volume in either pocket and in the train he dared not draw them out; but the detested words leaped at him from the folds of the evening paper. The air seemed full of Margaret Aubyn's name.

'I always go to sleep when I have eaten, she said. 'Find a cab for little Miss Donne, Logotheti for the famous Señorita da Cordova! She laughed sleepily, and waved her hand to Margaret. 'I don't know how to thank you, the young girl began, but before she got any further Madame Bonanni had disappeared. A few moments later Margaret and Logotheti were in the street.

'I think the best thing we can do is to take a cab to Brook Street, was the answer. 'Mightn't we wait just a little longer? he asked. 'No, said Miss Roberts, 'we have lost quite enough time already. Hi! Cab! she exclaimed, and a four-wheeled cab was driven up beside the boxes. Then a porter lifted these, one by one, and put them on top of the cab.

"The truth itself turns liar, and takes her side." She paused, and rallied her sinking courage. "No!" she cried, resolutely, "I won't submit to have my name and my place taken from me by a vile adventuress! Say what you like, I insist on exposing her; I won't leave the house!" The servant entered the room, and announced that the cab was at the door.

Then, in smart tailored suit and hat, interpreter in tow, a prayer in her heart, and excitement blazing in cheeks and eyes, she made her way to the dock, through the customs, into a cab that was to take her to her arena, the broad Avenida. Exactly two hours later, there dashed into the customs-house a well-dressed woman whose hat was very much over one ear.

Williams stuck to his post in the cab of the 266, applying and releasing the brakes, and running as far ahead as he dared upon the loosened timbers of the culvert, for which the section gang's slowflag was out.