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Gratias ago, unworthy me, who by my own fault could not reign. Harry was silenced, awe-struck, and by-and-by the King took him to see his old chamber in the White Tower, up a winding stone stair.

The girls walked about for some little time together, and by-and-by there came the sound of wheels, and they knew that the travelers had arrived. "Come along, Irene," said Rosamund; and they went down the avenue to meet Miss Frost, who was herself driving the governess-cart. Her thin face was flushed with excitement, her eyes were bright; she looked ten years younger, and almost pretty.

By-and-by, wherever she turned, still she saw that face, with the pillow rising around it; and when she shut her eyes, there it was, growing, in the blackness, clearer the more she tried to avert her mind. It seemed to Cornelia for time enters involuntarily into our thoughts upon all subjects that the present order of things must have existed for a far longer period than a single night.

It was a sensible arrangement; for, having the promise of figuring as a belle by-and-by, and being a little given to dancing, and having a voice which drew a pretty dense circle around the piano when she sat down to play and sing, it was hard to keep her from being carried into society before her time, by the mere force of mutual attraction.

By-and-by she felt the dumb wood of the table panting and shivering with human emotion. The dogmatism of Faraday in an inadequate theory was simply unscientific, a piece of intellectual tyranny. The American medium Home, she learnt from her friends, was "turning the world upside down in London with this spiritual influx."

I go out little, and no one comes to me except the Little Chemist's wife she is a good woman." "What did she say?" "Only something of the night the Seigneur died. He was sitting in his chair, not afraid, but very sad, we can guess. By-and-by he raised his head quickly. 'I hear a voice in the Tall Porch, he said. They thought he was dreaming.

He stepped briskly to the table and glanced at the guest's feet, then up at his face, and said: "You were with him! You were not fifty steps from him when he lit the candle that by-and-by fired the powder!" Plainly the guest seemed hit; it looked so to the public. He opened his mouth to speak; the words did not come freely. "This er this is insanity this "

By-and-by I unpacked my trunk, and there was a little parcel in the bottom of it, and I pulled it up. "There, Lurindy," says I, "John told me to tell you to have your wedding-dress ready against he came home, he's gone mate, and here it is." And I unrolled the neatest brown silk you ever saw, just fit for Lurindy, she's so pale and genteel, and threw it into her lap.

Some persons may even at this late day take offence at a few opinions expressed in the following pages, but most of these passages will be read without loss of temper by those who disagree with them, and by-and-by they may be found too timid and conservative for intelligent readers, if they are still read by any. BEVERLY FARM, MASS., June 18, 1891. What he said, what he heard, and what he saw.

They've got Master Amos with 'em, bless his heart, and it ain't much of the devil's head or tail as'll show itself so long as he's got the management of things. And they'll all be back again by-and-by, and the dear old missus too, I'm sure of it; so it'll all be well."