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"I'm layin' for the first man that sticks his head out of this car." Behind him the coach buzzed like a disturbed hive. Its occupants bewailed their losses, vowed vengeance on both holdups and railway. Women reproached men with cowardice. Men told each other what they would have done if But not one attempted to leave his seat. Nita turned to Clyde with sparkling eyes.

And pretty soon, as he was still looking, a big, buzzing bumble bee buzzed along and stopped to take a sip of the dewdrop. "Ha! That is a regular violet ice cream soda for me!" said the bee to Uncle Wiggily.

Both were breathing hard; they looked at each other through a widening silence. Flies buzzed against the closed windows, a gust of summer wind swept along the street outside. Suddenly Mark caught Julia fiercely in his arms, and felt her heart beating madly against him, and forcing up her chin with a gentle big hand, kissed her again and again upon her unresponsive lips.

It was wonderful, thought Kieran, how he could take a statement like that without getting excited. It was almost as though he'd known it all the time. "How " he began, when there was an interruption. Something buzzed thinly in the pocket of Vaillant's shirt. He took out a thin three-inch disk of metal and said sharply into it, "Yes?" A tiny voice squawked from the disk.

All the lady-swells buzzed about me, and there Nance stood preening herself and crowing softly till till from among the bunch of millinery one of them stepped up to me. She had a big smooth face with plenty of chins. Her hair was white and her nose was curved and she rustled in silk and It was Mrs. Dowager Diamonds, alias Henrietta, alias Mrs. Edward Ramsay! "Clever!

"JVM JVM JVM CBC," he called and listened. There was no response. Again he called. And again there was no response. His face became pale. His fingers began to tremble. "JVM JVM JVM CBC," he rapped out frantically, sending the call again and again. Then he sat back to listen. Suddenly his receivers buzzed. With startling distinctness came the answer. "CBC CBC CBC I I I. Your signals very weak."

"I hardly think you'll get as far as St. Quentin to-night. And there's little enough to sleep in on the way. I should stay here." She rose. "I wish you luck. Good-bye." She thanked them for their coffee, nodded to the quiet French table and went out. One American followed her. "Can you buzz her round?" he asked kindly, and taking the handle, buzzed her round.

The day after their first meeting it was known all over the town. Ada made no attempt to cover up the adventure, and rather plumed herself on her conquest. Christophe would have liked more discretion: but he felt that the curiosity of the people was upon him: and as he did not wish to seem to fly from it, he threw in his lot with Ada. The little town buzzed with tattle.

Above them, as they crept stealthily forward, chattered Manu, the monkey, and his thousand fellows; squawked and screamed the brazen-throated birds of plumage; buzzed and hummed the countless insects amid the rustling of the forest leaves, and, as they passed, a little gray-beard, squeaking and scolding upon a swaying branch, looked down and saw them.

"Da" used to say that angels played on harps in heaven; but it wasn't half so lovely as Mum playing in the moony night, with him eating a macaroon. A cockchafer buzzed by, a moth flew in his face, the music stopped, and little Jon drew his head in. She must be coming! He didn't want to be found awake.