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"But Frank has been saying things, too. And our boys have the benefit of the experience of one who was a terror on the lines of Princeton, my especial friend, Coach Willoughby," remarked Buster, proudly. "He's set 'em up a few capers that are going to surprise our good Bellport friends. I'm game to stack up on Columbia.

It was there that the Carpenter was a prisoner. And Buster could only hope that he might find some way of setting the woodworker free. Luckily Buster Bumblebee did not have to look long for what he was seeking. On the porch of the farmhouse he soon discovered a honey box, with glass sides.

They came from the Old Orchard, the Green Meadows, and even down by the Smiling Pool, for the voices of Sammy Jay and Blacky the Crow carried far, and at the sound of them everybody hurried over, sure that something exciting was going on. Presently Buster heard light footsteps, and peeping out, he saw Billy Mink and Peter Rabbit and Jumper the Hare and Prickly Porky and Reddy Fox and Jimmy Skunk.

Meadows, "I thought surely you'd get tired of Valentine and Geraldine by the time they got back home, and so I thought we'd do well to leave them there. Still, if you are not tired " Mrs. Meadows paused and looked at the children. "Oh, we are not tired," protested Buster John. "Well," said Mrs. Meadows, "if that's the case, I'll tell you what happened after Valentine and Geraldine went back home.

She disappeared down the hole and soon returned with a bottle of vinegar tucked under her plaid shawl. "Aren't you afraid that vinegar will strangle the poor dear?" protested Mother Graymouse. "Not a bit of it; not a bit of it! Give me a spoon," directed Granny. Buster made a wry face as he swallowed the sour dose. Then he began to cough and splutter and choke until Mammy grew frightened.

Brother Buzzard was not a very loud talker in those days, whatever he may be now, but Brother Crow could squall louder than a woman who has been married twenty-two years. And so there they had it, quarreling and disputing and disturbing the peace." "What were they quarreling about?" Buster John inquired. "Well," replied Mr.

Peter nodded and Grandfather Frog went on. "Now Old King Bear was the great-great-ever-so-great grandfather of Buster Bear, and he looked very much as Buster does, except that he didn't have any tail at all, not the least sign of a tail. At first, before he was made king of the Green Forest, he didn't mind this at all. In fact, he was rather pleased that he didn't have a tail.

"Don't mention it," said the old gentleman, looking greatly pleased with himself. "I won't tell anybody," Buster promised. "Oh, I didn't mean that, exactly," Mr. Crow told him hastily. "If you want to inform your friends how clever I am, I have no objection, of course." Then Buster went off, thinking what a kind person old Mr. Crow was.

Toad knew that his old friends and neighbors had planned this to teach him a lesson. When Old Mr. Toad saw Mr. Blacksnake and turned his back on Buster Bear and the fine dinner to which Buster had invited him, he had but just one idea in his head, and that was to get out of sight of Mr. Blacksnake as soon as possible. He forgot to ask Buster Bear to excuse him. He forgot that he was tired and hot.

I guess I'll go eat that lunch I left back by the spring, and then I'll go home. I can pick berries some other day." Chuckling happily over Buster Bear's great fright, Farmer Brown's boy tramped back to the spring where he had left two thick sandwiches on a flat stone when he started to save his pail of berries. "My, but those sandwiches will taste good," thought he.