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Men don't go away for YEARS and then come back into MOVING businesses like ours they lose the strings. And if you could, I won't let you if you lay down on me now, I won't and that's because if you lay down you prove you ain't the man I thought you were." He cleared his throat and finished quietly: "Roscoe, will you take a month's vacation and come back and go to it?"

He was an iron-molder by trade and had gotten into politics much as Stener had because he was useful; and he had managed to make some money via this triumvirate of which Strobik was the ringleader, and which was engaged in various peculiar businesses which will now be indicated.

It is very easy to be so taken up with the little absorbing businesses, the froth and ripple of life, that we forget what great and secret influences they must be that cause them; we must not forget that we are only like children playing in the nursery of a palace, while in the Council-room beneath us a debate may be going on which is to affect the lives and happiness of thousands of households.

The Company might make a good deal by reductions on passengers and goods; but here, as elsewhere, it must adhere to its principle of not trying to raise its receipts to a greater sum than will cover its working expenses. In many places Jews have control of the transport; and the transport businesses will be the first needed by the Company and the first to be liquidated by it.

And well ordered States, and discreet Princes have taken care withall diligence, not to cause their great men to fall into desperation, and to content the people, and so to maintaine them: for this is one of the most important businesses belonging to a Prince.

Disappointed in his hopes of preferment, Cervantes had to maintain himself and his family by the exercise of his pen writing, as we learn, letters and memorials for those who needed them, while busy upon his new book. Fr. Sepulveda, quoted by Navarrete. And "employed in various agencies and businesses," says Navarrete, vaguely.

Credit had been established again, and the businesses were open. For the time being, the hoods and punks were having a tough time of it, with working papers demanded as constant identification. And while it lasted, at least, Marsport was beginning to have its face lifted. Wrecks were being broken up, with salvageable material used for newer homes.

Anyhow, I lost sum after sum in investments that didn't pan out, and in businesses that failed. I got down to my last big bill, and then I heard of this little business I could get control of in New York. "I said I'd make that my last venture, and to remind myself how desperate my chances were I just jotted down those words, and pinned the note to the bill.

Home and found much business to be upon my hands, and was late at the office writing letters by candle light, which is rare at this time of the year, but I do it with much content and joy, and then I do please me to see that I begin to have people direct themselves to me in all businesses. Very late I was forced to send for Mr.

For just as today men principally care for great fortunes, and in pursuit of them go indifferently from country to country, and sink, as unimportant compared with such an object, the other businesses of our time, so the men of the fifth and sixth centuries were intent upon the unity and exactitude of religion.