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No, Colonel von Burgsdorf, I am not minded to go into your plans; for have you well considered what you require of me? You ask me to head a revolution, to give you a deed of rebellion, and to call upon the noblemen of the country to revolt against their rightful Sovereign.

Evidently the occupants were contented to live on just as their ancestors had done, although Burgsdorf was one of the richest estates in the district.

"Leave me alone, don't bother me with your flatteries." Frau Regine's face was as inflexible as ever, but her voice had a certain unsteadiness which made Hartmut feel he had won the day. He laid his arm upon her shoulder with the freedom of a child. "I believe you do love me a little, Aunt Regine, and I I have been happy for weeks over the thought of my visit to Burgsdorf.

"Forward now, gentlemen," he said, stepping briskly a few paces in advance, bearing the count as lightly and easily in his arms as if he had been an infant. "Let me descend from the wine cask, Colonel von Burgsdorf," said Count Adolphus, smilingly and composedly. "I have attained my end. I only wanted to defer the sealing for a few minutes.

Then this friendship with the theatrical prodigy will be at an end. I give you my word for it, that no such guests will be allowed within the walls of Burgsdorf, and Willibald will not permit his young wife to keep up any correspondence either." "That means that you will not permit it," sneered the head forester.

"The knights no longer take horse, the citizens no longer care to defend their towns and gates, the States refuse to pay subsidies for the support of the army, and our coffers are exhausted. It is no wonder if there can be no talk of an army. How much infantry and cavalry have we in all, Burgsdorf?"

Of the States, he said that they were almost all friends of the Swedes and foes of the Emperor, and, above all, he represented me, Conrad von Burgsdorf, as a bitter enemy to the Emperor, and said that on that account all orders came to me.

"Count John Adolphus von Schwarzenberg," continued Burgsdorf, approaching close to the count, "I have come to do what should have been done long before, to seal the papers of the late Stadtholder in the Mark, and to take them with me." "Very fine," returned the count contemptuously.

"Father, by all that is sacred in heaven and earth oh, do not, do not look at me that way you will drive me mad. Father, I give you my word of honor " A wild, hideous laugh from his father interrupted him. "Your word of honor you gave that at Burgsdorf. Let us end this comedy; you cannot deceive me. You leave me with one lie, you return to me with another.

Already they hear the horses pant; ever clearer, ever more distinct become the passionate outcries of Colonel Burgsdorf. He swears, he threatens, he rages! He orders the fugitives to halt, and swears to shoot them if they do not. What care they for threats or orders? Forward! forward! Behind them sounds a shot a second, then a third!