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If he did not expect to make use of you, you would have been put to death this morning as coolly as if you had been a dog. 'Well, to make that matter easy, more than the chief would have been needed at the killing. 'Ah, you know not his giant, brutal strength. I fear that he could crush you like an infant. 'I have no such fear.

This excellent woman had remained at Wychecombe with her husband, until death put an end to his vices, though the close of his career was exempt from those scenes of brutal dictation and interference that had rendered the earlier part of her life so miserable.

I know that many words are objectionable to refined, cultured people because they have been so long associated with the coarse and brutal mob, the working class, as the socialists would say.

To judge by the young man's initial enterprise, his Parliamentary career promised to be as brilliant and as brutal as any king who hated Chatham and hated Wilkes and hated the American colonies could possibly desire. The furious intolerance of his maiden speech was happily, however, only like that false dawn familiar to travellers in the East. The true sunrise was yet to come.

The Russian Government was disturbed neither by the primitive character of this theory nor by the resort to brutal police force implied in it the idea of supporting the "exploitation" practised by the Russians at the expense of that carried on by the Jews; nor was it abashed by its inner logical contradictions.

An enormous lump of ice was then placed over the opening, thus closing all possible issue to the poor animal, walled up in a watery prison. "Good luck to you, captain," cried the brutal sailor. Shortly afterwards Pen and Warren returned on deck. Johnson had seen nothing of this performance. The fog thickened round about the ship, and snow began to fall with violence.

We tried to get copies of the newspapers containing accounts of the crime that had been committed, but our efforts were unavailing, and it was not until we arrived in London and were visited by Barker's attorneys that we obtained any detailed information whatsoever of the murder; and when we did get it we were more than ever regretful to be mixed up in it, for it was an unusually brutal murder.

But when a troop of "Greens" had met him, just in front of the imperial dais, shouting brutal abuse in his face, he had paused, chucked the nearest man under the chin with his powerful fist, and fired a storm of violent epithets at the rest.

I said a brutal thing to him when we first met, that night at the Grassinis'." "YOU said a brutal thing? That's hard to believe, Madonna." "It was unintentional, of course, and I was very sorry. I said something about people laughing at cripples, and he took it personally. It had never occurred to me to think of him as a cripple; he is not so badly deformed." "Of course not.

But the German Code of 1900 introduced provisions as regards divorce which while in some respects more liberal than those of the English law, especially by permitting divorce for desertion and insanity are, on the whole, retrograde as compared with the earlier Prussian law and place the matter on a cruder and more brutal basis.