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Kittiwakes of every kind in incalculable numbers and black and brown-backed gulls by the thousands filled the air as thickly as snowflakes in a winter's storm; while from shelves and pinnacles of the cliffs, incredible numbers of gannots were diving with prodigious force and straight as an arrow, after their prey all plunging, rising, screaming and shrieking, like some maddened human mob, the more terrible because of the ear-piercing metallic ring of their unceasing clamor.

I was always fascinated by these beautiful brown-backed rolls in the shop-window; whenever I passed before the confectionery window, the pleasant warm bread-odors just invited me in: until at last I deserted my trade, and joined Father Fromm. At that time my moustache and beard were already sprouting, but I have never regretted my determination.

Everything had ceased to exist except a narrow shell of wood, three brown-backed natives, and one towering wave after another that shot them through delicious realms of space and left them, with every nerve a-tingle, laughing into each other's eyes. "Ripping, isn't it?" cried Percival on the third return. "Shall we have one more go?"

Open the door slightly. That will do. Now put the key on the inside. Thank you! This is a queer old book I picked up at a stall yesterday 'De Jure inter Gentes' published in Latin at Liege in the Lowlands, in 1642. Charles' head was still firm on his shoulders when this little brown-backed volume was struck off." "Who is the printer?" "Philippe de Croy, whoever he may have been.

But what's that?" And then, for the first time in its yet unwritten story, the Thunder Bird had its nose put out of joint by a modest little earth-bird a hermit, too, as it would be among the starry spaces by a little, brown-backed evening thrush singing its good-night song in a thicket of scrub near by. "O wheel-y-will-y-will-y-il-l!"

He was standing up now, and leaning over to catch the words of the dying man. Harston was sinking rapidly. With a feeble motion he pointed to a brown-backed volume upon the table. "Take up the book," he said. The merchant picked it up. "Now, repeat after me, I swear and solemnly pledge myself " "I swear and solemnly pledge myself

Beside the driver there sat a man who could not have been more than thirty years of age, but whose massive head and resolute expression marked him as a leader. He was reading a brown-backed volume, but as the crowd approached he laid it aside, and listened attentively to an account of the episode. Then he turned to the two castaways.

"Don't drop oil all over my 'Fors' or I'll scrag you!" "Shut up, you you Irish Biddy! 'Tisn't your beastly 'Fors. It's one of mine." The book was a fat, brown-backed volume of the later Sixties, which King had once thrown at Beetle's head that Beetle might see whence the name Gigadibs came. Beetle had quietly annexed the book, and had seen several things.

Like a rush of muddy waters, the sweating, brown-backed men, now mad with a lust for pillage, tore through the first courtyard. I was born along with them perforce like a piece of flotsam on a raging flood-tide; there was no turning back. Besides, such things do not happen every day....

As a sudden squall ripples a smooth lake, so the scent of the Redmen carried by the prairie breeze stirred the sea of brown-backed Buffalo. "Yes," answered A'tim, "and Eagle Shoe will lead your brethren to their destruction. We will wait here till they have passed, then we will follow."