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Whether he would be able to have children as a result of it I do not know." None of Dr. Brinkley's patients had been parents until they came to him. Now the oldest of the babies is 13 months; another is 8 months and a third is 6. Dr.

Brinkley's theory that ALL ENERGY IS SEX-ENERGY means exactly that the powerful brain equally with the beautiful face owes its strength and vigor exactly to the right functioning of the sex-glands. We must not be accused here of running to extravagance. It is not stated that all human brains are of equal power or can be developed to equal power.

Brinkley's hospital and submitted to the operation in order to relieve arterial congestion in the brain, caused by two attacks of influenza, a year apart. So serious had become his condition and so severe the attacks of vertigo and high blood pressure, that his attending physician informed him he was in imminent danger of death.

The intention in offering for your perusal the preceding newspaper accounts of Dr. Brinkley's work in the opening months of the year 1920 was to show you what his views at that time were regarding the value of the gland operation which he has since made his life-work. The Chicago Tribune speaks of it as incidental to his general work as a surgeon. Dr.

She walked out on the verandah with the Pasmers after breakfast, and chatted a while about indifferent things; and Alice made an effort to ignore the event of the night before with a pathos which wrung Mrs. Brinkley's heart, and with a gay resolution which ought to have been a great pleasure to such a veteran dissembler as her mother.

Brinkley strongly urged her not to have the gland operation performed at all, but she insisted upon giving it a trial. It is too soon yet to speak of results in this case, but in Dr. Brinkley's view it is asking too much of the glands to expect them to produce favorable results in a case of this severity.

Brinkley's conventional claim had implied; it was self-interested, eager, anxious; and was probably not different from the voice of good society anywhere. "Why, there's Dan Mavering now!" said Mrs. Brinkley, rather to herself than to her companion. "And alone!" Dan's face showed above most of the heads and shoulders about him; it was flushed, and looked troubled and excited.

John Jones takes Dr. Brinkley's goat-gland operation for the renewal of his youth, and thereby adds thirty years to his life, and at the end of this thirty years of friskiness undergoes a second transplantation of glands, thereby gaining twenty years more, and at the end of this twenty years takes the operation a third time, securing a further lease of gaiety for ten years, will the final years of Mr.

If, however, we are to measure Brinkley's merits as a divine by the ecclesiastical preferment which he received, his services to theology must have rivalled his services to astronomy. Having been raised step by step in the Church, he was at last appointed to the See of Cloyne, in 1826, as the successor of Bishop Berkeley.

Among the latest, when Dan had lost himself far from Boston in talk with a young lady from Richmond, who spoke with a slur of her vowels that fascinated him, came Mr. and Mrs. Brinkley. He felt himself grow pale and inattentive to his pretty Virginian. That accent of Mrs. Brinkley's recalled him to his history.