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It was characteristic of the Vicomtesse that she told this almost with a man's brevity, that she omitted the stress and trouble and pain of it all. These things were done; the tact and skill and character of her who had accomplished them were not spoken of. The girl listened immovable, her lips parted and her eyes far away. Suddenly, with an awakening, she turned to Helene.

Her fine brows lifted a trifle; her slight inclination of the head was robbed of the chill of brevity by a fleeting smile of gratitude, not so much for the sacrifice of his seat in her favor as for the fine courtesy which had moved him to proffer it without making of his action an excuse to sit beside her and attempt an acquaintance.

"Is it as bad as that?" The man was busy tightening the saddle girths, and he answered Armitage's further questions with soldierlike brevity. "You have been here " "Two weeks, sir." "And nothing has happened? It is a good report." "It is good for the soul to stand on mountains and look at the world. You will like that animal yes? He is lighter than a cavalry horse.

Where these compressed and cultivated a style which was staccato and epigrammatic, huddling all the traits of their subject in short sharp sentences that follow each other with all the brevity and curtness of items in a prescription, Addison and Steele observed a more artistic plan. They made, as it were, the prescription up, adding one ingredient after another slowly as the mixture dissolved.

We say seeming convenience; for in this seeming lies the vulgarity, the writer expressing, unconsciously often, by the our, a feeling of patronage. With his our he pats the author on the back. PERIODICAL is an adjective, and its use as a substantive is an unwarrantable gain of brevity at the expense of grammar.

This is a long letter, but when one writes only once in seven years, brevity is not to be expected. My greeting to you, and may the years be weaver's hands, which shall interlace and bind two lives into one complete pattern. To the Sister of a Great Beauty I am far from laughing, my dear girl, at your assertion that your position is little short of tragic.

As this is not a tractate on education as a whole, I must risk something for the sake of brevity, and will venture to lay down dogmatically that the objects of literary studies as a part of education are the formation of a personality fitted for civilised life, the provision of a permanent source of pure and inalienable pleasure, and the immediate pleasure of the student in the process of education.

But because, perhaps, should I thus conclude, some might make an ill use of my brevity; I shall therefore briefly step after you, and examine your short reply; at least, where shew of argument is. Your first five pages are spent to prove me either proud or a liar; for inserting in the title-page of my 'Differences, &c. that your book was written by the Baptist, or brethren of your way.

The question was almost masculine in its direct brevity. "I helped him to bed." She compressed her lips. Then, "Go on," she said. "I can't tell what happened while I was in Italy, and Lorimer had left Berlin before I went back there, so I didn't see him till I came to New York. At first, I thought he had stopped all that sort of thing. His color was better, his hand steadier.

She has sent me a letter, in one of the envelopes that I directed for her when I went away. Miss Minerva's hair would stand on end if she could see the blots and the spelling. Here it is, in its own Roman brevity with your pretty name shortened to two syllables: 'Except Pa and Car, we are a bad lot at home. After that, I can add nothing that is worth reading.