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Her eyes watered slightly, and then she had control and the present moment. She excoriated her maudlin, womanly tendencies and worried that her refusal to fall apart in front of Michael was catching up with her now. Could the cold tacit hubris that she superciliously blasted onto Michael a day after the shock dissipated have just been the facade of a woman ready for a nervous breakdown?

That accounts for it, of course a breakdown isn't so easy to get away with. Gasoline!" "We were miles from anywhere," she went on. "We had taken what we thought was a short cut. Mr. Thornton built a shelter for me in the woods, and went to to " He caught up her hesitation like a flash. "Fake the lines, Helena, if you haven't had enough rehearsals," he suggested ironically. "Anything goes with me."

They were busy making the necessary arrangements to alter the route of the Southampton and Portsmouth Sunday League excursions. A nocturnal newspaper reporter, mistaking my brother for the traffic manager, to whom he bears a slight resemblance, waylaid and tried to interview him. Few people, excepting the railway officials, connected the breakdown with the Martians.

We all of us know, probably, of some isolated instances here and there where the severe strain of cramming for a competitive examination has resulted in loss of health and physical breakdown. Some are even aware of cases in which the unhappy victim of overwork has lost his reason altogether, and has been compelled to be placed under restraint.

Judge Emery, remembering this prophecy, was now moved by his wife's pale agitation to a heart-sickening mixture or apprehension for her and of recollection of his own extreme discomfort whenever she was sick. Yet in spite of this intense tension, she was unable to stop felt she must go on, until finally, a breakdown intervened and she was compelled to lay by.

G.J., very pale, said: "Mrs. Smith is in competent hands. We can't do anything. I think we had better sit down." He was obeyed. A second doctor on the committee remarked with a curious slight smile: "I said to myself when I first saw her this afternoon that Mrs. Smith had some of the symptoms of a nervous breakdown." "Yes," G.J. concurred. "I very much regret that I allowed Mrs. Smith to come.

Hence the stubbornness of the defence the Americans encountered; the terrain gave it every advantage with which art could supplement nature; and a singular and serious breakdown of their commissariat added to the difficulties under which American troops fought with intrepid skill. The attack was launched on 26 September.

I may add in this connection that while pursuing his indefatigable labors for the support of his large family, his father's sickness and death overtaxed his strength, and the breakdown followed.

She had left the factory because of a complete breakdown from long hours of overwork. In one winter she had been at the machine seventy-one hours a week for ten weeks. After this severe experience, she had a long prostration and was depleted, exhausted, in a sort of physical torpor in which she was unable to do anything for months.

Why, man, the current is seldom perceptible above the fortieth parallel!" "I know that, sir," replied the first mate; "but if you recollect, sir, from the lunar observation Mr O'Neil took on the night of the breakdown, we were then as far south as 41° 30 minutes, and we've been drifting south-east by east ever since."