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He saw once more in the afternoon the square, strong figure of Lajeunais, crossing the court. When the Frenchman noticed him he stopped and came back, smiling and showing his great white teeth. "Ah, mon brav," he said, "doesn't the great North yet call to you?" "No," replied Henry, with an answering smile. "As I told you, I am going to escape."

'By gar! ejaculated Louis Savoy, who seemed overcome by the romance of it. 'La petite squaw: mon Mason brav.

"The millyonaire that goes over there to see th' piled up riches iv th' wurruld in sausage-makin' 'll take a look ar-round him an' he'll say to th' first polisman he meets: 'Gossoon, this is a fine show an' I know yon palace is full to th' seams with chiny-ware an' washtubs, but wud ye be so kind, mong brav', as to p'int out with ye-er club th' partic'lar house where th' houris fr'm th' sultan's harem dances so well without the aid iv th' human feet? I know how it was whin we had th' fair here.

That slobberin' an' kissin' business, an' the Mong Brav Conkerin' 'Ero may be all right for a lot o' bloomin' Frenchies that don't know better " He took a long swig of tea. "Though, mind you," he resumed, "I haven't a bad word to fit to a Frenchman. They're real good fighting stuff, an' they ain't arf the light-'earted an' light-'eaded grinnin' giddy goats I used to take 'em for."

Thus, as the ravens fed Elijah, so did Zouaves and other casual fowl aid Septimus on his way. Madame Bolivard in particular took them both under her ample wing, to the girl's unspeakable comfort. A brav' femme, Madame Bolivard, who not only could cook, but could darn stockings and mend linen, which Emmy's frivolous fingers had never learned to accomplish.

I ought to have told them they were sinners; I ought to have told them they were reckless; I ought to have told them by what a narrow chance they had escaped the just punishment of their iniquity, and instead of that I found myself stretching out hands that were at once seized and kissed, and merely saying with a cheerful smile, "Nun Kinder, liebt Euch, und seid brav."

Beell, he tink so? Den you no like dat de Señor Brown be avay? No, no, you no like be lef' alone ven de fight come? He big, strong, brav'; he bettah as ten men, hey? Eet vas so, I tell you. I go vis de message, si; Señor Brown he stay here. Vould not dat be de bettah?"

Ah, now it be all right, señor. Bueno!" She laid her gauntleted hand softly on the rough sleeve of his woollen shirt, her black, appealing eyes flashing suddenly up into his troubled face. "I moost laugh, señor; such a brav' Americano 'fraid of de girl. Why not you shoot me?"

"It 's German," she thought; "I know they're talking German;" and so she listened very attentively. "Sie ist eine Fremde," she heard one say to another; "sie gehoert nicht zu uns," which she immediately knew meant: "She is a stranger; she doesn't belong to us." "Nein," replied the other; "aber sie scheint gut und brav zu sein." At which Doris smiled; she liked to be thought "good and sweet."

Among the grey desolate crowd were sharp, rending 'Bravos! the people were in tears the landlord at my side was repeating softly, abstractedly: 'Caro caro Ettore, caro colonello and when it was finished, and the little colonel with shabby, humiliated legs was gone in, he turned to me and said, with challenge that almost frightened me: 'Un brav' uomo. 'Bravissimo, I said.