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Having, in 1860, settled in Colorado, he was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court for that territory, and held this office until he was elected a delegate to the Thirty-Ninth Congress from Colorado. He was succeeded in the Fortieth Congress by George M. Chilcott. AUGUSTUS BRANDEGEE was born in New London, Conn., July 15, 1828.

Also records of the meetings of the American Commission. Senator BRANDEGEE. Do you know whether or not they are in the State Department any of these minutes or records in our State Department? Mr. BULLITT. I should presume that in the normal course of events they would be certainly among Mr. Lansing's papers, which were very carefully kept. He had an excellent secretariat.

The allied and associated Governments propose that such of these Governments as are willing to accept the terms of this armistice shall send not more than three representatives each, together with necessary technical experts, to where they shall meet on April with representatives of the allied and associated Governments in conference to discuss peace, upon the basis of the following principles: Senator BRANDEGEE. Was this brought to the attention of the President?

They were ready enough to tell all they knew, and a good deal more; but the listeners they had that morning were not without eyes of their own, and it was not a very fatiguing task to walk all over the village of Grantley. The first house to be studied with special care was the neat white residence of Dr. Brandegee, with its shady trees and its garden; for Joe said,

It was quite a respectable railway, however, and it carried them through scenery so different from any that Dabney or Dick was accustomed to, that they lost a good deal of what Joe and Fuz were saying about Dr. Abiram Brandegee, the learned principal of Grantley Academy.

Harvey being, in a sort, Brandegee's ambassador to the Court of Saint James, the Senator's object was to tell Mr. Hughes what Harvey should do in the Supreme Council. Mr. Brandegee has the gift of direct and forceful speech. In his earnestness, he dispenses with the elegancies and amenities. The upper ranges of his voice are not conciliatory.

You have told us now with what instructions you went, what the British attitude was, what the American attitude was, and what the Soviet Government proposed. Now, let us have your report. Mr. BULLITT. All right, sir. This was my report Senator BRANDEGEE. What is the date of that, please? Mr. BULLITT. This copy does not bear the date on it. On the other hand I can tell you within a day or two.

Why, then, without fireworks, without distinction of any sort, without catching the public eye, or especially deserving to catch it, was Warren Harding elected President of the United States? One plausible reason why he was nominated was that given by Senator Brandegee at Chicago, where he had a great deal to do with the nomination. "There ain't any first raters this year.

I then sent another telegram, which is rather long, too long to attempt to paraphrase, and I will ask that I may not put it in, because the entire substance of it is contained in briefer form in my formal report. This telegram itself is in code. Senator BRANDEGEE. Are there any translations of those of your telegrams that are in code? Mr.

Myers, or Almira, or' little Dr. Brandegee, I nick it down. Got to quit pretty soon, or buy another slate." "They've kind o' kept away from us," said Dab. "They're in only one of my classes, but they're in three of yours." "Ain't in any ob mine," said Dick; "but Dr. Brandegee says he'll promote me soon." Dick's tongue always began to work better, the moment he mentioned the academy-principal.