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Sim's weariness lightened. His blood ran quicker; he remembered that the cow, his child's one hope, was there before him. He found himself next his cousin Wat, who chewed curses in his great beard. When they topped the rig they saw a quarter of a mile below them the men they sought. The cattle were driven in the centre, with horsemen in front and rear and flankers on the braeside.

Things were getting serious. Marjory watched Herbert's every movement with eager anxiety. Would he do it? Could he do it? She looked at her watch. It was just half-past twelve, and all the men about Braeside would have gone to their dinner; besides, it would take her some time to run there for help.

Before entering it he debated with himself whether he should drive on to the town of Marsland, get horses there and then, and make for Braeside at once. He could get there in about a couple of hours. And then? To search a sleeping town for Miss Fountain would that mend matters?

Hunter, Maud was an entirely new phenomenon, and he studied her with curiosity. He had not been much better pleased than the children when he heard of the expected visitors, for he still wished to keep Marjory away from strangers if possible; but he had not the heart to separate her from her friend at Christmas time, and so he allowed her to go to Braeside just as usual.

And there was Seaton's word for it. Seaton was a practical man, and always on the railway. What would she say when the train stopped? In anticipation he already heard the cry of the porters "Braeside all change!" The perspiration started on his brow. Why, there was sure to be a decent inn at Braeside, and he would do everything for her.

Braeside Harriers though they were, a strong taste for foxes had lately grown up in the minds of men and in the noses of hounds.

Come; you need a good square meal after all this, and a little doctoring too." And he patted his son on the shoulder affectionately, for he felt sorry for the boy's distress. He drove him home, and then, without waiting for anything to eat himself, the good man was off again to Braeside to see if anything were wanted there.

"I explained to him that we always keep our Sundays quietly, enjoying the day of rest, but that at the same time we like it to be bright and happy; and when I told him that the pleasure of our friends' company would greatly add to the brightness and happiness, he said 'yes' for Marjory, and promised to come himself." When they arrived at Braeside they found the doctor already there. Mr.

"It was the clearest thing, Maggie," said he. "Nothing that has ever come to me in my waking life has been more clear than that. I feel as if these hands were sticky with blood." "Tell me of it tell me slow," said she. "When it began, I was oot on a braeside. I was laying flat on the ground. It was rough, and there were clumps of heather.

Lord Hampstead did as others were doing, and in a moment Crocker was by his side. Crocker was riding an animal which his father was wont to drive about the country, but one well known in the annals of the Braeside Harriers. It was asserted of him that the fence was not made which he did not know how to creep over. Of jumping, such as jumping is supposed to be in the shires, he knew nothing.