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David Garrick, no doubt, scampered along the path in his boyish days, and, if he was an early student of the drama, must often have thought of those two airy characters of the "Beaux' Stratagem," Archer and Aimwell, who, on this very ground, after attending service at the cathedral, contrive to make acquaintance with the ladies of the comedy.

"But he may be on shore leave," added Julia, "then he wouldn't be any more attractive than our 'you-bet-chu' chap," she said, indicating the young man who inserted that boyish expression so often in his conversation.

He looked old for the first time in his jolly, persistently boyish life. "Those chrysanthemums are all drying up," he complained fretfully; "not one of the blamed servants has done a thing since since O Lord, Will, what shall we be doing this time tomorrow? Where are the children? Where's Miss Strong? There's a woman for you! Caddy took to her directly. She's there now.

Years after, when he was speaking at the trial of that Duke of Alençon who began life so hopefully as the boyish favourite of Joan of Arc, he sought to prove that captivity was a harder punishment than death.

At any rate, she was not faded enough, nor the city magnate's heart cold enough to prevent a sudden revival of the vision which in what now seemed an almost antediluvian stage of existence had dazzled, Sunday after Sunday, the eyes of the grocer's lad. If there is one pure spot in a man's heart oven the very worldliest of men it is usually his boyish first love.

Haney's wealth made her conspicuous from afar, while her youth and boyish beauty had been the subject of admiring club talk from the very first. Haney was only an old and wounded animal, whose mate was free to choose anew. "It makes me ache to see the girl go wrong," said Mrs.

And he wears his clothes not like a cab driver, as the others do." "Thanks," drawled Jock, flushing a little. Then, boyish curiosity getting the better of him, "Say, tell me, what in the world are you doing to that drawing?" He of the velvety eyes smiled a twisted little smile. His slim brown fingers never stopped in their work of guiding the pen in its zigzag path.

Men felt, rather than realized, that under the slight, quaint, boyish exterior there lay the elements of a great man, who would one day fulfil his own boast of climbing to the top of the tree; and he had been made a full captain in 1779, when not quite twenty-one. According to the rule of the British service, already mentioned, this assured for life his precedence over Saumarez, promoted in 1782.

Benjamin stood out for some time, but at last reluctantly yielded, and in the maturity of his thirteenth year this child set his hand to an indenture of apprenticeship which formally bound him to his brother for the next nine years of his life. Handling the types aroused a boyish ambition to see himself in print.

"Romance!" chuckled Joy. "It's not what I call romance." "Dark brown eyes and a heavenly smile on the face of a boy, is your only idea of romance. You are a silly girl!" Bet shrugged her boyish shoulders and laughed at Joy as she undid her long rope, and standing up straight, tried to send the loop over a stump in the manner approved by Tommy Sharpe, her teacher.