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They went up from the town in Ruth's carriage, Martin Kelly driving, who let it be known that though the doctor's name, "moy graciouz!" were signed to the telegram seven times over, the actual painstaker and sender was "Linnard Boyington, whatsomiver!" Still Ruth called it the doctor's telegram, and said it made no difference who sent it; but she saw Isabel was disturbed.

So by and by the Winslow pair went to live in the Winslow house, and the Byington pair in the Byington house; and if you listen well, you may hear an aged voice, a voice with a brogue, saying: "Ay! there's a Linnard Winslow, now, and there's a Godfrey Boyington. And there's still an Isable Winslow and a Ruth Boyington.

Boyington, of the Sentinel, and taking him to the morgue and placing him in the bath tub and he proceeded to fasten the life preserver around the calf of Mr. Boyington's leg. "Say, where are you putting it?" says Mr. B., as he struggled to keep from laughing right out. "You fellows don't know as much as Thompson's colt.

Martin Kelly, pious Irishman and out-door factotum of the Byington place, paused from the last snow-shovelling of the season to reply to a wandering salesman of fruit trees. "Mr. Airthur Winslow or Mr. Linnard Boyington, naw, sor! ye can see nayther the wan nor th' other, whatsomiver!