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The blood was rising to our men's heads badly by now, and I saw several who could stand it no longer stabbing at the few dead Boxers we had secured. We had none of us imagined we were coming to such scenes as these; for nobody would have believed that such brutal things were possible.

His senses had lost something of their quickness and his blows of their sting. He was fighting, too, against a man who, of all the boxers who have made their names great, was the safest, the coolest, the least likely to give anything away, or lose an advantage gained. Slowly, gradually, round by round, he was worn down by his cool, quick-stepping, sharp-hitting antagonist.

A fusillade of shots rang down the street. The air between the two men, feinting like boxers in their deadly duel, filled with whitish smoke. Arnold, stunned by the suddenness of the encounter, jumped out of range. In the next moment he saw Levake sink to the sidewalk.

The gentlemen are dressed like boxers, Quakers, or hackney-coachmen; and the ladies are not dressed at all. There is no elegance, no refinement; none of the chivalry of the old world, of which I form a portion. Oh, to see the Valdez once again, as on that day I met her first driving in state, with her eight mules and her retinue of gentlemen, by the side of yellow Mancanares!

The two bodies of troops exchanged blows in the manner of a pair of boxers. The fast angry firings went back and forth. The men in blue were intent with the despair of their circumstances and they seized upon the revenge to be had at close range. Their thunder swelled loud and valiant. Their curving front bristled with flashes and the place resounded with the clangor of their ramrods.

So he sent for folks who walk on stilts, fellows who jump through hoops, for boxers, for conjurers, for jugglers who perform sleight-of-hand tricks, for strong men, for dancing dogs, for leaping clowns, for the donkey that drinks out of a tumbler in short, he tried first one thing and then another to make her laugh. But all was time lost, for nothing could bring a smile to her lips.

I fear nothing unless it may be the foot-race, for I have lost my strength with want of food and being tossed by the waves." He ended, and King Alkinoös stepped forward, for the young men were all silent. "Stranger," he said, "thou art our dearly loved guest, and no one can doubt thy bravery. We do not boast that we are fine boxers or wrestlers.

No sooner had the gates which pierce the Tartar Wall been closed by the Imperial guards, who still remain openly faithful to their duties, than there arose such a shouting and roaring as I have never heard before and never thought possible. It was the Boxers. The first time the Boxers had rushed in on us, it was through the Ha-ta Gate to the east of the Legations.

Well, we want it bad enough, I hope some on us may foller it. Seems a man, too, and not a monkey." "My father says," said Sam, "that he was formerly one of the best boxers he ever saw." Any further discussion of Frank's physical powers was cut short, by his coming up to Sam and saying, "I was thinking of riding out to one of the outlying huts, to have a little conversation with the men.

"Reasons for studying languages: French, Italian, D'Eterville. Southern tongues. Dante. Walks. The Quaker's Home, Mousehold. Petulengro. The Gypsies. The Office. Welsh. Lhuyd. German. Levy. Billy Taylor. Danish. Kaempe Viser. Billy Taylor. Dinner. Bowring. Hebrew. The Jew. Philosophy. Radicalism. Ranters. Thurtell. Boxers.