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They were fugitive from the national consciousness. The bourn of impulse was half stopped. It was not that they did not write "Jewish" music, utilize solely racial scales and melodies. The artist of Jewish extraction need not do so to be saved. The whole world is open before him. He can express his day as he will. One thing, however, is necessary.

The first of us that will depart for that bourn from whence no traveller returns will be interred by the survivor beside our beloved child there, under that little hillock yonder, which is surmounted by a wooden cross, in front of my humble cottage; and the last of us two to leave this valley of tears will no doubt meet with some charitable Christian hand, to place our mortal remains beside the bodies of those we loved so tenderly during our hapless pilgrimage here below."

Meanwhile, each day as we marched on, brought us nearer to our bourn, and at last we found ourselves on a wide flat plain, unbroken, except by the trail which we followed, consisting of six or eight narrow paths, winding on side by side like railway rails a splendid "high road" for Morocco. Truly it is a spare-room country. The snaking track might take up acres and acres of rich land. What matter!

"'The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than to fly to others we know not of."

English aims had passed beyond the bounds of England, and every English "squire who crossed the Channel to flesh his maiden sword at Ivry or Ostend, brought back to English soil, the daring temper, the sense of inexhaustable resources, which had bourn him on through storm and battle field." Such forces were not likely to settle into a passive existence at home. Action had become a necessity.

As it slowly penetrated inland it seemed to be impelled by its solitary occupant in a hesitating uncertain way, as if to escape observation rather than as if directed to any positive bourn. Stopping beside a bank of reeds at last, the figure rose stoopingly, and drew a gun from between its feet and the bottom of the boat.

For example, I collected only 210 different kinds of beetles during my two months' stay at Bourn, while in three weeks at Amboyna, in 1857, I found more than 300 species: One of the finest insects found at Bouru was a large Cerambyx, of a deep shining chestnut colour, and with very long antennae.

Then hail, ye blossoms of the grave, That o'er the care-worn temples wave Sent to remind us of "that bourn, Whence traveller can ne'er return;" The harbingers of peace and rest, Where only mortals can be blest. Read Victor Hugo's Dernier Jour d'un Condamné!

"Oft in der chizzly night, 'fore slumber's yoke hab tooken me," hummed Sopsy as he worked at the table. "Where is this schooner bound, Sopsy?" asked Christy. "Bound to dat boon whar no trab'ler returns," replied the cook, pausing in his occupation and staring the second mate full in the face. "That bourn is Nassau, I reckon," laughed the lieutenant.

Shakspere expresses this thought by the words that if we could say that, by a sleep, we 'end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. Keen commentators have pointed out the contradiction in Hamlet's monologue, where he speaks of The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveller returns,