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Then he turned toward his father's cabin, saying: "Well, I never! Ef that haint the beatinest thing I ever did see in all my born'd days." And I think it was. Some men carry canes. Some men make the canes carry them. I never could tell just what Mr. Blake carried his cane for. I am sure it did not often feel his weight. For he was neither old, nor rich, nor lazy.

You can go in if you want to." Bobby stood for some time, looking after him as he flew away along the creek, crying "ke-whack, ke-whack, ke-whack!" And Bobby said once again: "Well, I never, in all my born'd days," and then added, "Haint Daddy Longlegs peart? Thinks he's some in his yaller wescut, I 'low."

Bob stood off and looked at the place where it had been, let his jaw drop a little in surprise and disappointment, and came out slowly with this: "Well, I never, in all my born'd days!" He thought best now to take the key back and have it changed once more. But the other key-hole was gone too.

Just then the others came in sight, and I sent the boy to halt them. Aunty came out so excited that she could hardly speak. "'Sho' as you is born'd, dat Massa Tom knows you; but, sah, he's powerful weak, an' you must exclose who yo' is to him in a most delicacious manner, or you'll incite him. He's 'fraid, sah, dat you is a exposter. "'O, no, aunty, I am his uncle and benefactor. "'Yo'is what?

I sed that wur very good accommodashun to hev XXX laid on vor use. We soon druv into the beggest pleace I wur ever in since I wur born'd. Thay sed 'twer Paddington, an' that I wur to get out, vor they wurn't a-gwain to drive no furder. I hed paid to go to Lunnon, an' thay shood drive all the way when thay wur paid avoor'and.

Fo' de good Laud, dat's de time dey miss der cotch. Dis darky was done gone when dey comed. I know'd dey'd be dar sometime for dis cat, and Marfa, too. I tells you, dey want her, dey do. She know how to cook and do things, she do. Be a cole day when dey gits dis cat agin, sho's you born'd. "Aunt Martha came in and said to Ham: "'What you doin' heah, Ham?

"Now, I wonder why these natives came here, and why they went away." "P'r'aps they didn't come, but was born'd here," suggested Martin; "an' mayhap they didn't go away at all, but died here."

He pulled away the stones and stooped down till his head was near the ground, but the key-hole disappeared off the bottom of the door. When he gave up the chase it returned as before. Bobby worked himself into a great heat trying to catch it, but it was of no use. Then he sat down again and stared at the door, and again he said slowly: "Well, I never, in all my born'd days!

"What's a forecister, Daddy?" asked Diddie, rather curious about the relationship. "Yer forecisters," explained Daddy, "is dem uv yer way back folks, wat's born'd fo' you is yerse'f, an' fo' yer pa is.