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So Rifle-Eye, he shakes the dust o' that house off'n his feet so good an' hard that he mighty nearly shakes the nails out of his boot-heels, an' hunts up a legal shark. Then an' there he adopts this half-witted youngster, an' has kep' him ever sence." "How long ago was this?" "Fifteen years an' more, I reckon.

Immediately came the scurry of his boot-heels as he hurried aft. In another moment he stood in the glow of the binnacle light, and reaching back toward the shadow of the cook, but never turning his head from that spot out in the dark where he had last seen the boat, he took the wheel. "All right, George, I've got you. A good-sized school, by the looks, if they got them, and I think they have.

My heart dropped back from my throat, and I felt it throbbing in the lowest recesses of my boot-heels as I rose and followed my guide. As the door swung open, my heart almost failed me. If there had been a chance of escape I should have made the bolt, then and there. I had not counted on an interview with the women of Doddridge Knapp's family.

The remedy for this peculiar outrage not at once presenting itself, he turned on his heel and made another trip to the farther window where he at once came face-about and began patrolling the hallway, past the door and back again, his spurs clicking sharply and his high boot-heels punctuating his progress as if every step put a period to his thoughts.

Once a man came out of the bunk-house and went down to the stream for a bucket of water, returning leisurely. He wore the braided jacket and high, wide-brimmed hat of the Mexican peon, and spurs glittered on his boot-heels. Beyond this the cabins below gave no sign of occupancy. Moore pointed out to them the main trail leading across the valley and winding up along the front of the opposite wall.

Pete left of his own accord. I don't want the Brewster boys to know I'm out on their trail." Starr nodded and glanced at his wife. "I looked to see you kill him," he said, gesturing toward the doorway. "What! That poor fool? I thought you knew me better, Jasper." The Fight in the Open Starr was awakened at midnight by the sound of boot-heels on the ranch-house veranda.

Henry Charles Beresford Labertouche was, in person, a quiet and unassuming body, with nothing particularly remarkable about him save his preference for boot-heels nearly three inches high and a habit of dying his hair naturally greyish a jet-black.

Philip Cross entered abruptly, his spurs clanking with a sharp ring at his boot-heels, and nodded with little enough graciousness of manner to the two before the fire. "I have not ordered supper to be laid," said Daisy; "your coming was so uncertain. Shall I ring for it now?"

"When a feller an' a gal washes their hands in the same basin at the same time, it's a tol'able good sign they won't git married this year." The oracle spoke through the bearded lips of a farmer perched on the top step of his cabin porch. The while he construed omens, a setter pup industriously gnawed at his boot-heels.

Almost as she spoke, there was another knock at the door. "Come in!" said Katy, rather wearily. The door opened. "Shall I?" said a voice. There was a rustle of skirts, a clatter of boot-heels, and Imogen Clark swept into the room. Katy could not think who it was, at first. She had not seen Imogen for almost two years.