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The moral is evident. An authority on practical book-making has stated that ``margin is a matter to be studied''; also that ``to place the print in the centre of the paper is wrong in principle, and to be deprecated. Now, if it be ``wrong in principle, let us push that principle to its legitimate conclusion, and ``deprecate'' the placing of print on any part of the paper at all.

Then her face cleared, as she hurriedly put herself into Billy's favorite gown and ran down the stairs to meet him in the hall. The woes of book-making and the worries of her family never clouded Theodora's welcome to her husband. "Teddy, did you ever hear me say anything about Gertrude Keith?" "Why yes. Wasn't she the cousin who married Harry Everard?" "Your memory does you credit." Mr.

It led also to the composition of other books on the West, which were more or less mere pieces of book-making for the market. Our author was far from idle. Indeed, he could not afford to be.

There was no book-making; indeed there were few books of any sort, and reading meant conning over Bibles, prayer-books, psalm-books, and Testaments which had been brought across the ocean. These were stoutly bound volumes, many of them heirlooms, their pages bearing the marks of patient and persistent handling.

As it is, his merit shines forth only so much the more, that being a German of the Germans, he should by one small work, more of a combining than of a creative character, have achieved an European reputation and popularity with a certain sphere, that bids fair to last for a generation or two, at least, even in this book-making age.

When a group of railway employees, at a station in England, gathered around me to tender their thanks for spiritual help afforded them by my articles, I felt repaid for hours of extra labor spent in preaching through the press. My first attempt at book-making was during my ministry at Trenton, New Jersey, when I published a small volume entitled "Stray Arrows."

The counsel of the noble lord, no doubt, was well meant, but nevertheless very injudicious. The grant of a few acres of land, in a healthy district and at a moderate rent, would have been more beneficial to him than all the fame he could ever hope to gain from book-making. Clare returned to his cottage with a joyful heart, brimful of pleasant visions of the future.

Two or three more years of diplomacy with her beside him! and then their real life would begin: study, travel and book-making for him, and for her well, the joy, at any rate, of getting out of an atmosphere of bric-a-brac and card-leaving into the open air of competing activities. The desire for change had for some time been latent in him, and his meeting with Mrs.

He got on well with Byron, a very uncommon thing; and from Carlyle, whom he met when they were both on the staff of Fraser, he receives unwontedly amiable notice. His literary production was vast and totally uncritical; his poems, dramas, etc., being admittedly worthless, his miscellaneous writing mostly book-making, while his historical novels are given up by all but devotees.

Or think, if you choose, of the modern industry of book-making, wherein types are assembled, impressed upon sheets of paper, and these bound into volumes points, lines, planes, solids. The book in turn becomes the unit of another dimensional order, in the library whose serried shelves form lines, which, combined into planes, define the lateral limits of the room. These are truisms.