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A book-case of the same precious wood was filled with volumes bound in scarlet all French novels, superbly if not very decorously illustrated. But the article which astonished the new tenant of this chamber most was the ebony escritoire that occupied its centre, with every thing set out for ornament or use that is seen on a lady's writing-table.

Pinckney rose up, went to the book-case and placed his fingers on top of it, then he looked at his fingers and the bar of dust upon them, brushed his hand clean and came back to his chair by the fire. He heard the stable clock striking eleven.

Upon touching a gold-mounted knob, the book-case divides, the front part of it descends; and, presto! you have as beautiful a couch as ever Sancho could have envied. This Essay bedstead is sold for four hundred and fifty dollars. Another design, with the case and bed in black walnut, the books in papier maché, and none but English essayists in the Collection, can be had for a hundred dollars.

The old man mutters something that is almost unintelligible, so thick and husky are his tones. His eyes grow more restless; mechanically, and as though unconscious of the act, he leans his body stupidly against the book-case near him. "You are drunk," says Fabian, with slow scorn "leave the room."

My friend earns his twenty pounds a week, but it was the old father's hobby, so he explained to me, the making of these monstrosities; and of them he was as proud as though they were specimen furniture out of the South Kensington Museum. He took me into the dining-room to show me the latest outrage a new book-case.

And lower down on the same page, indicated with the like emphasis: "By sitting in this temple each day and meditating herein I have ministered to my sacred moods, and I have kept pure the essence of the ages, which I am to revive for the modern world." Morgan remembered only too well by whom and on what occasion such words had been addressed to him. He put back the volume and shut the book-case.

In this retreat there was a book-case with glass doors that belonged to the time of Louis XIV; this was filled with treatises, a century old, upon navigation, and with sailors' log-books that had not been opened for a hundred years. Tiny, scarce visible butterflies, that entered by the open windows, were to be found here all summer long, sleeping with extended wings upon the whitewashed walls.

His wisdom will be put to the test to-day!" said Moretti coldly, "Do you not think it strange" here he raised his eyes from his papers, "and somewhat incriminating too always supposing the miracle is a case of conspiracy that no trace has been discovered of the man Claude Cazeau?" Gherardi had moved to a book-case, and was standing close to it, turning over a vellum-bound manuscript.

Two nights after the examination of the Targum, she was seated near the book-case looking over the plates in that rare but very valuable volume, Spence's Polymetis, when the idea flashed across her mind that a rigid analysis and comparison of all the mythologies of the world would throw some light on the problem of ethnology, and in conjunction with philology settle the vexed question.

The only locked places in the room are the doors of the cupboards under the long book-case, and the door of the Italian cabinet in that corner. The small key opens the book-case cupboards; the long key opens the cabinet door." With that explanation, he laid the keys before me on the table. "Thus far," he said, "I have rigidly respected the promise which I made to your husband.