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Some circulating library novel? Do not be uneasy, the bag only contained a roll and a paper of bonbons from Boissier, dainties which play an important part in my story. Now I must draw you an exact sketch of this pretty Parisian's face for such she was. A Parisian alone could wear, with such grace, a fifteen-franc bonnet.

She leaned nearer, pale now with her excitement, and with her large eyes gleaming and melting with passionate entreaty. "Don't be angry; pray take it; it is all my own, and you know I have bonbons, and books, and playthings, and ponies, and dogs till I am tired of them; I never want the money; indeed I don't.

But behold! the next morning when the old woman, awakened early by the cold, went downstairs oh, wonder of wonders she saw the big chimney filled with shining toys, bags of magnificent bonbons, and riches of every sort, and standing out in front of all this treasure, was the right wooden shoe which the boy had given to the little vagabond, yes, and beside it, the one which she had placed in the chimney to hold the bunch of switches.

Pointing an accusing finger at the dancing senator, she cried in a loud voice: "That's the man who stole my bonbons! Seize him! Arrest him! Don't let him escape!"

Now I think to repose myself in sullen silence for five weeks from this date. I know that the apples and nuts will bring you out again. Thus children are moved; but I also thought that a pretty little letter, even without bonbons, would have done the same.

I do not dance, or eat supper any more; but I like to watch Eugenio and Flirtilla twirling round in a pretty waltz, or Lucinda and Ardentio pulling a cracker. Burn your little fingers, children! Blaze out little kindly flames from each other's eyes! I have no teeth. Bitter almonds and sugar disagree with me, I tell you; but, for all that, shall not bonbons melt in the mouth?

King and Phronsie, with a basket of mottoes and bonbons enough to satisfy the demands of the most exacting Children's Home, "we ought to get our paper caps on." "Bless me!" ejaculated old Mr. King, pulling out his watch, "it can't be time to march. Ah, it's a quarter of four this minute. Here, child," to Phronsie, "pick out your bonbon so that I can snap it with you."

The mule was obstinate and wilful and soon grew restive under the weight of the box and began to prance and kick. He did this so effectually that he threw Gourmandinet and his precious box of bonbons upon the ground. Gourmandinet, who had never ridden upon a horse or mule, fell heavily with his head upon the stones and died instantly.

That will supply you with Maillard's bonbons for almost a year; will sweeten your bereavement." She rose instantly, with a peculiar sparkle leaping up in her splendid eyes. "There is not gold enough in New York to buy him." "What! I must see this surly brute, that in your estimation is beyond all price.

But when appealed to, the cook said they were beyond her, and must be purchased from the professional ice-cream maker, who had the necessary forms. There were dishes full of bonbons on the tables, and soon the bonbons were snapping at a lively rate among the big girls and boys, although the younger folks were rather afraid of them.