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Then I deliberately took a gold coin out of my pocket and pressed it into the valet's hand. "Kindly give that to your master with my compliments," said I, in a voice that was intended to reach Tarnowsy's ear. "Bon soir, m'sieu," said Francois, with an amiable grin. He watched me descend the stairs and then softly closed the door. In the office I came upon Mr. Schymansky.

It was quite cold and clammy, although it had come out of a satin-lined muff. The hand trembled. "I heard you were going to-morrow," she said. "I'm so glad I am in time to wish you bon voyage." "Won't you sit down?" He set a chair for her in front of the fire. The flames lit up her golden hair, and revealed her charming face in its becoming setting of the sables she wore.

But what is a man to do, when he has neither trade nor calling, neither wife, house, nor home, and his heart is heavy with mingled rage and sorrow? As well go and have a shot at the enemy, if they come where they are not wanted. And he remembered his old battle cry: Ah! bon sang! if he had no longer heart for honest toil, he would go and defend her, his country, the old land of France!

The Chatham is so utterly condemned by bon ton, that it requires some courage to decide upon going there; nor do I think my curiosity would have penetrated so far, had I not seen Miss Mitford's Rienzi advertised there. It was the first opportunity I had had of seeing it played, and spite of very indifferent acting, I was delighted.

Bertrand went on as though he had been answered. "I kept watch all through the night, while she slept like an infant in my arms. You would have done the same. In the morning when the tide permitted, we laughed over the adventure and returned to Valpré. She went to her governess and I to the fortress. By then everybody in Valpré knew what had happened. They had believed that we were drowned, and when we reappeared all were astonished. Later they began to whisper, and that evening the villain Rodolphe, being intoxicated, proposed in my presence an infamous toast. I struck him in the mouth and knocked him down. He challenged me to a duel, and we fought early in the morning down on the sand. But that day the gods were not on my side. Christine and Cinders were gone to the sea to bathe, and, as they returned, they found us fighting. Le bon Cinders, he precipitate himself between us. La petite rush to stop him too late. Rodolphe is startled; he plunge, and my sword pierce his arm. C'était l

Monsieur Le Bon Chef could not know there was a cooks' strike on. Down to the kitchen they led him, and for some weeks he drew ten dollars a day wages and his room and board right there at the hotel. To fall from Toulouse into a ten-dollar-a-day job! And when one knew scarce more than how to boil potatoes! Of course, when the strike was over, there were no such wages paid as ten dollars a day.

Le bon pasteur, as she styled him. "The Furrin Lady," as she was called in the village, was very fond of looking into the cottages, and studying the ways of the country generally.

I travel by water I am going down the Rhone this very afternoon my baggage is in the boat and I have actually paid nine livres for my passage C'est tout egal 'tis all one; said he. Bon Dieu! what, pay for the way I go! and for the way I do not go! C'est tout egal; replied the commissary The devil it is! said I but I will go to ten thousand Bastiles first O England!

'Overstocked with these Articles. 'People always setting up some new thing or other. 'I read the Star and another paper; what can I want with this paper, which is nothing more. 'Well, well, I'll consider of it. To these entertaining bon mots, I returned the following repartee, 'Good morning, sir. ... God bless you, S. T. C." "Mosely, near Birmingham, 1796. My very dear Wade,

Comme c'est joli et frais et que ca sent bon!" Madame and Monsieur Paul were equally effusive in their inquiries and exclamations it was clearly a meeting of old friends. Madame Le Mois' face was meanwhile a study. The huge surface was glistening with pleasure; she was unfeignedly glad to see these Parisians: but there was no elation at this meeting on such easy terms with greatness.