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Down went the cardboard bomb, and so good was the aim of the young inventor that the white dust arose in a cloud directly back of the scarecrow. And then a queer thing happened. For the figure seemed to come to life, and Ned, who was watching through a telescope, saw a very much excited farmer looking up with an expression of the greatest wonder on his face.

I remember a queer case once. We were saving the pins to rig up dummy bombs, and the order was: 'Take the bomb in your right hand, remove the pin, put the pin in your pocket, and at the word of command, throw the bomb. Well, this particular fellow was so wrought up that he threw away the pin and put the bomb in his pocket!" "Was he killed?" I asked. "No.

I could dimly make out the forms of two men standing on the nearer end of the plank bridge. They were, I should judge, about ten yards away, and they hadn't heard me. I got out a Mills, pulled the pin, and pitched it. The bomb exploded, perhaps five feet this side of the men. One dropped, and the other ran. After a short wait I ran over to the German.

The struggle is a veritable graveyard, a perfect target for bomb and grenade and the slower attack of the enemy's mine. The British held a circle of German trenches on a little ridge of ground north of Loos. The capture meant that they could overlook the plain beyond and win a certain projection.

A claim is made against me. 'It's the bomb, she said, 'that burst, Sir George, is it not? 'The same. The point is, shall I resist the claim, or shall I yield to it? What do you say, ma'am? She tossed up her fan and caught it deftly, and looked to him for admiration. Then, 'It depends, she said. 'Is it a large claim? 'It is a claim for all I have, he answered slowly.

He was not satisfied with his friends. In the light of Mr Vladimir’s philosophy of bomb throwing they appeared hopelessly futile. The part of Mr Verloc in revolutionary politics having been to observe, he could not all at once, either in his own home or in larger assemblies, take the initiative of action. He had to be cautious.

Edestone, as quietly as if he were standing on the bridge of the Storm Queen giving instructions for the next day's cruise, turned to "Specs." "Go out and circle them," he said, "meet the leading ship, and then with every gun, aerial torpedo, and bomb dropper destroy them."

There was a scattering of the fire in the pit as the extinguisher bomb fell among the blazing embers. Then followed a slight explosion when the bomb broke, as it was intended it should. Tom and Ned leaned forward to peer through the pall of smoke which swirled this way and that. Here was to come the real test of the device.

Then there was a new manual training school about to be added to the public school system at this time, and the contract for building was to be let, when the mayor threw a bomb into the midst of the old-time jobbers at the city council.

Twisting his head so that he could watch the result, Hugh's gaze followed the descending bomb until it struck the ground. Instantly there was a pretty loud racket and the dirt flew, although this missile undoubtedly contained but a small portion of the new and terrible explosive, being intended only for experimental purposes in the way of gauging distances correctly.