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"No," acknowledged Leslie, who had not failed to observe Potter's undisguised admiration of the girl, "to be perfectly frank with you, I do not think he will. Ah, here come the men who are going with me in the boat. I must say au revoir!" "Good-bye, for the present," answered Miss Trevor; "I hope you will be successful."

When the ghost reaches the other bank, he is greeted by those of his friends who have gone before, and they lead him to their village. Some part of the journey is generally regarded as made by boat, though it is not possible to make this fit consistently into the general scheme.

A year passed on, and the little dog was still seen about the village; sometimes merry and frolicking with the children, but more often walking alone in the fields, or watching over little Zach, who was now old enough to play in the front yard; when one day, as it was taking a walk on the shore of the river, it saw a little girl who had paddled out in an old boat, which was fast filling with water.

Bobbsey went on, "and Dinah, though she does forget once in a while, would not be likely to do so twice in such a short time. No, I think some tramps along shore must have come along quietly in a boat, reached or climbed in through the window and taken the sandwiches." "Well, perhaps they did," Mr. Bobbsey, said. "I'll tell Captain White, and we'll keep a lookout.

I Swam across the Creek and waited for the Boat about three miles above, we camped opsd. an Island.

"But I won't let them take the boat out the first time without me. It cost too much to run the risk of damaging it by sky-larking." "Now what are you two up to?" demanded Jack. "Just because Drayton Ward has not arrived, we are held up for his coming. I tell you, Sis, that chap may not put in an appearance at all, here. He knows sweller places." "Oh, don't you mind him, Cora," Ed interrupted.

Thus abandoned to its own devices, this guide-book began its night-long riots, setting out upon a tour of the cabin with the first lurch of the boat that threw it from the table upon the floor.

"I'll pull," said Audrey, in the boat. The man sprang out of the dinghy. "One instant!" Mr. Gilman begged her, standing up in the sternsheets, and popping his head through a porthole of the saloon. "Mr. Price!" "Sir?" From the interior. "Will you be good enough to play that air with thirty-six variations, of Beethoven's? We shall hear splendidly from the dinghy." "Certainly, sir."

I now waked the girls, who turned out of their bunks, dressed as they had been since coming on board the "Elk," and we made ready to go ashore. We were out in deep water, still some distance from the beach, and must again get out into a small boat, probably for the last time this year.

Ignorant from whence the invitation might come, but nothing loath, we hauled our boat to the jetty, and, landing, followed young pigtail, who ushered us through a court-yard into a house of tolerable dimensions, agreeably arranged according to English ideas of comfort. In five minutes more we were introduced to Mr.