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As the boar was evidently asleep in his lair, it was arranged that the three friends should stalk him, as the broken ground was specially favourable for such a mode of attack. "We will advance together," said Bladud, "with our bows ready. I will lead; you follow close. When we get within range you will do as you see me do, and be sure that you aim at the brute's side not at his head.

Diarmid slipped his hound, but it profited him nothing, for he did not await the boar, but fled before him.

"And Claude Philippon on heard the chains," repeated the other. "Very good, my friends, very good," replied Roland, sneering; "so you won't go there to-night at any price?" "Not at any price." "Not for all the gold in the world." "And you'll go to-morrow when it's light?" "Oh! Monsieur Louis, before you're up the boar will be here." "Before you're up," said Echo. "All right," said Roland.

Clinch's sceptical mind. He forgot himself and his surroundings. "And that story of the Drachenfels?" he asked insinuatingly, "the dragon, you know. Was he too " The baron grinned. "A boar transformed by the drunken brains of the Bauers of the Siebengebirge. Ach Gott!

"It is a wild boar," exclaimed our friend; "but I suspect a boa has got hold of him a great bore for him, I suspect." We rode to the spot whence the sound came. There, sure enough, suspended from the low branch of a tree was a huge boa-constrictor, some twenty feet long, perhaps, which had just enclosed a wild pig in its monstrous folds.

It derives its name after our tradition to the following: At the birth of Christ a Trold woman was so enraged at the circumstance of his birth that she produced a monster at a birth, and this monster gradually took the form of a boar; and it is related that when the boar was in the woods, its bristles were higher than the tops of the trees.

"De Guiche, once down, was attacked and worried by the wild boar, and wounded in the hand and in the chest." "It is a horrible accident, but it must be admitted it was De Guiche's own fault. How could he possibly have gone to hunt such an animal merely armed with pistols; he must have forgotten the fable of Adonis?" Manicamp rubbed his ear in seeming perplexity.

A tray followed them, upon which was served a wild boar of immense size, wearing a liberty cap upon its head, and from its tusks hung two little baskets of woven palm fibre, one of which contained Syrian dates, the other, Theban. Around it hung little suckling pigs made from pastry, signifying that this was a brood-sow with her pigs at suck.

I leave thee the task. Balafre, support your nephew; but let none dare to interfere with Dunois's boar hunt!" That Quentin Durward joyfully acquiesced in this division of labour cannot be doubted, and each pressed forward upon his separate object, followed, and defended from behind, by such men at arms as were able to keep up with them.

Or, if that may not be, I would see the black hunter laid low by the rhinoceros, the white rhinoceros of your race, Macumazahn, yes, even if it sets its foot upon the Ndwande boar as well. There, I have told you, and this is the reason that I live so long, for I will not die until these things have come to pass, as come to pass they will.