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I didn't quite know how to take hold of it, or what to say, and so, of course, I ended by saying the natural thing: "But, sire, how can I know what your thoughts are?" The king stopped dead in his tracks, and stared at me. "I believed thou wert greater than Merlin; and truly in magic thou art. But prophecy is greater than magic. Merlin is a prophet." I saw I had made a blunder.

And I made but one only blunder; I said, `Q, S, R, in the stead of `Q, R, S. And he strake mine head, and said I was a good lad, and he would I should go on with my learning till I might read in the great Bible that lieth chained in the Minster." "Well-a-day! did he so?" responded Agnes. "Ay, so did he. But wot you what Christie Marvell saith?

However that may be, there can be no doubt that now the prizes of fortune often go to those who cannot be trusted to make good use of them or even to enjoy them, that Mr Wells's great satire on our financial upstarts "Tono-Bungay" has plenty of truth in it, and that our present system, by its shocking waste of millions of good brains that never get a chance of development, is an economic blunder as well as an injustice that calls for remedy.

Of course I had to apologise for my sharp criticism as doing him a serious injustice, but privately felt somewhat injured at having been entrapped into such a blunder.

"Miss Hawkins, this silly blunder of my copyist evidently has more interest for you than it has for me. I will send my private secretary to you and let him discuss the subject with you at length." "Did he copy your speech for you?" "Of course he did. Why all these questions? Tell me how did you get hold of that page of manuscript? That is the only thing that stirs a passing interest in my mind."

I have called in person solely to apologize for my blunder. As I spoke I stood up, adding, 'As this is my only purpose, I shall leave you to rearrange matters as may seem best to you. "As I turned to go he said: 'May I ask you to sit down? Now that I know you to be of your legation, and I being, as you are aware, in the Foreign Office, an affair between us would be for both services unadvisable.

He had made a blunder; he had done his very best when a colorless article would have served him admirably well. Blondet's remark to Finot that it would be better to come to terms with a man of that calibre, had counteracted Lousteau's gnawing jealousy.

In which case it was a blunder. The Samurai blundered, and his heart destroyed him when he became aware of the blunder. At any rate the thought of blunder never enters Margaret's head. She accepts, as a matter of course, that it was all a part of the oncoming termination of his sickness. And no one will ever undeceive her. Neither Mr. Pike, Mr.

He wrote it down in his book, saluted me again with a smiling, "Merci bien, madame," and went on to make the rounds of the hamlet, and examine the resources of Voisins, Joncheroy, and Quincy. The noncommissioned officers, who arrange the cantonnements, are very clever about it. They seem to know, by instinct, just what sort of a man to put in each house, and they rarely blunder.

"The question of robbery does not enter into the crime," remarked Caldew. "The motive, as we have established it, is quite different." "I have been told of the motive you allege against this unhappy girl," said Phil indignantly. "That idea is utterly preposterous. Again, I say, I believe that you have made a blunder. I do not think Hazel would handle a revolver.