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"He got the bond and lease from Blount," she began, talking rapidly, "and when Blount found that the white quartz was tungsten ore, he did all he could to block Wiley. When Wiley first came through the town and stopped at our house he knew that that white quartz was tungsten; but he couldn't do anything, then.

It was like a thunderbolt. Judge Blount glared at him with apoplectic countenance, and silence reigned. Mr. Morse was secretly pleased. He could see that his daughter was shocked. It was what he wanted to do to bring out the innate ruffianism of this man he did not like. Ruth's hand sought Martin's beseechingly under the table, but his blood was up.

"No, not quite too late," said Blount. "There is a little left not much. Who's with you?" "The one you sent for," said Eddring, stepping aside, "and this is Madame Delchasse, the one woman, Colonel, whom you and I ought to thank with all our hearts. She has been the friend of Miss Lady when certainly she needed one." Blount stepped forward, a smile softening his grim face.

Blount concluded, as Milton had done, by recommending that any book might be printed without a license, provided that the name of the author or publisher were registered. The Just Vindication was well received. The blow was speedily followed up. There still remained in the Areopagitica many fine passages which Blount had not used in his first pamphlet.

"Proceed," he said. "The information, first but, by the gods, he shall answer for this!" "But all the time," went on Virginia hastily, "the mine belonged to Wiley. It had been sold for taxes and he bought it!" "Ah!" observed the Colonel, and glanced at him shrewdly for he saw now where the tale was going. "Well," continued Virginia, "when Blount saw Wiley wanted it he came up and took it himself.

It had been his duty to deal amicably with a man of the position of Colonel Calvin Blount, yet how had he comported himself? Like a school-boy! But for that he might have been the accepted guest now, there at the Big House, instead of being the only man ever known to turn back upon its door.

He had left her smiling and shaking hands with Blount, but a curse had been on the money, and her conscience had forced her to follow him. It had been easy, for her, with a burro to ride on and Death Valley Charley to guide her; but with him it had been different. He had fled from arrest and it was only by accident that he had won to the water-hole in time.

"But what manner of animal art thou thyself, Raleigh," said Tressilian, "that thou holdest us all so lightly?" "Who I?" replied Raleigh. "An eagle am I, that never will think of dull earth while there is a heaven to soar in, and a sun to gaze upon." "Well bragged, by Saint Barnaby!" said Blount; "but, good Master Eagle, beware the cage, and beware the fowler.

He held from Blount two separate and distinct papers; one a bond and lease on the mine, the other an option on his personal stock. But to grant the bond and lease with its option for fifty thousand Blount had been compelled to vote the Widow's stock; and if that stock was not his and had been illegally voted, then of course the bond and lease would be void.

There's time enough to tip the skillet over and spill all the grease into the fire, if that's what you mean; always time enough, up to the last issue before the polls open." "And you'd do it no matter who might happen to get in the way of the burning grease?" "We print the news, and we try to get all the news there is. But it would have to be straight goods, Blount; no 'ifs' and 'ands' about it.