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Ignorant London heathen as she was, there was one fragrant flower blossoming in the desert of her soiled and wasted existence the flower of a pure and guileless love for one of those "little ones," of whom it hath been said by an all-pitying Divinity unknown to her, "Suffer them to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

The red-berried holly looked as fresh and bright as rose-bushes in June, and the magnolias still wore their liveries of Spring. The sun shone down with a tender fervor, as if wooing the sleeping buds and flowers to wake from a slumber of which he had grown weary, and start with him again through primrose paths on the pilgrimage of blossoming and fruitage.

But he did not live to see the blossoming of his youngest step-son's genius, as he passed away on September 30, 1821, when the child was eight years old. Little Richard showed wonderful promise even in those years of childhood.

Life in the kitchen seemed ideal life with that loyalty and that candour and that charm and that lovely seriousness! Moreover, he could teach her. She had already blossomed in a fortnight. She was blossoming. She would blossom further. Odd that, when he had threatened to pull out a revolver, she, so accustomed to revolvers, should have taken a girlish alarm!

When, for example, a plant passes from the blossom to a state of fruition, the clairvoyant observes a change in the astral being, which, while the plant is in blossom, has covered and surrounded the blossoming plant from above like a cloud.

And he's been happy ever since for in spite of her school-teaching handicap Susie has turned out to be a born cook and housewife. And as if to make up to her those twenty colorless years Providence sent Susie twin boys at the end of her first year and twin girls at the end of the third. This blossoming out of little drab Susie Melton was a shock to Green Valley.

Thus the height of a saint's love to the Lord is as the depth of his own humility: as this root strikes down unseen in the ground, that blossoming branch rises higher in the sky.

The day after their arrival at Balaklava they undertook a boating excursion to explore the geological formation of the coast, and landed in a delightful little cove, embowered amid flowering trees and shrubs. On their return the boatmen decked themselves and their boat with wreaths of hawthorn and blossoming apple sprays, so that they entered the harbour with much festal pomp.

But the fruit trees will soon be blossoming in spite of everything... The worst of it is there isn't any snow in the mountains." "Ah, then you've been up into the Sierras." "Yes, since December... I had to make my way through the northern passes just after Christmas. Folks told me it couldn't be done... I guess it would have been almost impossible in a wet season.

The gladsome blossoming of the trees, the herald of the glories of summer, is a strange emblem of such a tragedy, and summer itself is a still stranger one of that solemn last judgment. But the might of humble trust in Him who comes to judge makes His coming summer-like in the light and warmth with which it floods the soul, and the rich fruitage which it produces there.