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"Now de Lawd bress you heart, honey, dar ain't no need ob you blisterin' you'se pretty face ober a fiah, bakin' cakes an' sich. I kin " "No, no, Aun' Sheba, you can't, for I won't let you." "Mara," protested Mrs. Hunter, severely, "do you realize what you are saying? Suppose it became known that you were in in " but the lady could not bring herself to complete the humiliating sentence.

Immegetly he smiled warmly, and wuz very affectionate in his demeener to me for as much as two hours and a half. Sech is the might of human love. His hurryin' me over them swelterin' and blisterin' streets, and showin' me all the beauty and glory of the world, and his conversation had no effect, skercely on my mind.

The teeth in his throat and a lump to his eye, and what more be the will o' God. Fightin' there'll be, av coorse; but by you I'll stand, and sorra inch will I give, if they'll do it with sticks or with guns, and not with the blisterin' tongue that's lied of me and me frinds for frind I call you, Pierre, that loved me little in days gone by.

"Jane, you never played fair with me. But now you're blisterin' your lips blackenin' your soul with lies!" "By the memory of my mother by my Bible no! No, I have no Bible! But by my hope of heaven I swear I love you!" Lassiter's gray lips formed soundless words that meant even her love could not avail to bend his will.

I am fond of remembering them as I saw them first: the Topladys, that great Mis' Amanda, ponderous, majestic, and suggesting black grosgrain, her beaming way of whole-hearted approval not quite masking the critical, house-wife glances which she continually cast; and little Timothy, her husband, who, in company, went quite out of his head and could think of nothing to say save "Blisterin' Benson, what I think is this: ain't everything movin' off nice?"

And if Stanley Mitchell's facetious friends begin any hilarity with me I'll transact negotiations with 'em sure! So I put it up to you, Petey square and aboveboard what are they tryin' to work on Stan now? "'To get his mine, you idjit! says Pete. 'Now be reasonable, says I. 'How'd they know we got any mine? 'Didn't you tote a sample out of that blisterin' old desert? says Pete.

"I hed Timothy Toplady there, an' he knew it. He's rill sensitive about the small number o' arrests he's made in the village in his term. He excited up about it in a minute. "'Blisterin' Benson! he says, 'ain't this what they call vandalism? Look at it right here in our midst like a city! says he, fierce an' showin' through some gleeful.

At least she'll try her a spell 'n' see how she behaves, 'n' whether she's good comp'ny for her own little girl that's a reg'lar limb o' Satan anyway, 'n' consid'able worse sence she's had the scarlit fever, 'n' deef as a post too, tho' they're blisterin' her, 'n' she may git over it.

A dripping sweat broke from every pore in Lon's body, and drops of water rolled down his dark face. He groped about for another stick of wood, as if blind. "She was too young, too small, Lon Cronk, for the cross she had to bear." Lon threw up his head. "Jesus! what a blisterin' memory!" he said. His throat almost smothered the words.

Might of done it, you know, for the express was four hours behind schedule; but I was just too ornery. I let on I hadn't got the order, made 'em back their old special on a siding, and held 'em there all one blisterin' hot afternoon, while they come in by turns and cussed me. But your Mr. Gordon was the only one that talked straight to the point.