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"Will you take another sup, Darby?" inquired the young fellow in whose hands the bottle was now nearly empty; there's jist about another glass." "Indeed, an' I 'will, avillish; an' sure you'll have my blessin' for it, an' barrin' the priest's own, you couldn't have a more luckier one blessed be God for it sure that's well known.

"No, no," said she, shaking her head, and speaking as much to herself as to Darby; "I know him too well; no earthly power will put him out of his own way, once he takes it into his head. This minute, if I had spoke another word about the blessin', Mr. M'Clutchy would a got another curse; yet, except in these fits, my poor child is kindness and tendheress itself."

Paul ate in silence; his father, with earthy hands, and sleeves rolled up, sat in the arm-chair opposite and looked at him. "Well, an' how is she?" asked the miner at length, in a little voice. "She can sit up; she can be carried down for tea," said Paul. "That's a blessin'!" exclaimed Morel. "I hope we s'll soon be havin' her whoam, then. An' what's that Nottingham doctor say?"

"And," said her father, "my consent to that marriage you will never have; if you marry him, marry him, but you will marry him without my blessin'." "Jemmy Murray," said Art, whose pride of family was fast rising, "who am I, and who are you?" Margaret put her hand to his mouth, and said in a low voice "Art, if you love me, leave it to my management."

"Sidesaddles," said Juliette to her mother as they watched through the dining-room windows the big digger dismount and hang the horses' reins over the front gate. As he strode across the lawn, they heard Mary's voice in the hall. It sounded as if she were half crying. "Goodbye, miss, and Hivin's blessin' on ye; and may God sind ye a good husband."

When this was read to the boarders, the young man John said he should like a chance to "step up" to a figger of that kind, if the girl was one of the right sort. The landlady said them that merried for money didn't deserve the blessin' of a good wife. Money was a great thing when them that had it made a good use of it.

"Na, na, Mistress Lunan, I see what you're after; but beggin' your pardon, a landlady's a landlady, and my mouth's closed. The Count disna ken the difference atween Saturday and Sabbath, and the money he wastes on tobacco juist goes to ma heart; but he never had the blessin' of a Gospel ministry nor the privileges of Muirtown when he was young.

Hennessy demanded. "Write?" echoed Mr. Dooley. "Write? Why shud he write? D'ye think Cousin George ain't got nawthin' to do but to set down with a fountain pen, an' write: 'Dear Mack, At 8 o'clock I begun a peaceful blockade iv this town. Ye can see th' pieces ivrywhere. I hope ye're injyin' th' same gr-reat blessin'. So no more at prisint. Fr'm ye'ers thruly, George Dooley. He ain't that kind.

"Really, they must have had a terrible time of it," returned Ruth, "though I don't know exactly how dreadful `one o'clock' may be. But tell me, Billy, do the fishermen like the worsted mitts and helmets and comforters that were sent to them from this house last year?" "Oh! don't they, just! I've heard them blessin' the ladies as sent 'em, many a time.

Ah! look at him, will ye? He'll be denyin' of it in a minit may the blessin' uv God folly him. Look at him, miss! Ah, but it's a swate pair ye'd make! He stopped out of breath. I was so completely astounded I could say nothing: the tremendous indictment I had framed to utter as I opened the door vanished completely. And as the Most Beautiful Eyes in the Wurruld turned gratefully to mine well