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"It was a terrible trip, the river wet with overflows and the cut-offs drifted deep, so I drove back into Holy Cross a week late with bleedin' dogs and frozen Indians strainin' at the sled ropes. "I heard the wail of the old women before. I come to the cabin, and when Metla had sobbed the story out in her weakness, I went back into the dark and down to the Mission.

"Yes, miss," replied the woman, "I did 'ave a lodger 'ere yesterday, but 'e up an' went this mornin' bright and early. Most respectable 'e seemed, miss; but 'e come in last night in a orful pickle, 'is clothes torn an' 'is face bleedin'; you never saw sich a sight as 'e was, miss. I was glad to get rid on 'im; the p'lice would 'ave bin the next thing, I s'pose.

They've sent Hikeses' boy after you; bleedin' at the lungs is all I can get out of him. The Hikeses are all dumb as a stick of cord-wood." She sat down heavily on my bed, and put a pillow comfortably to her back while I dressed. Hikeses' boy sat waiting for me in the porch whistling under his breath.

"Grade?" enquired Sam, returning to the commonplace of the moment. "Yes, what grade in the Public School were you in when you left?" The blue eyes of the boss was "borin' 'oles" through Sam and the voice pierced like a "bleedin' gimblet," as Wigglesworth, Sr., reported to his spouse that afternoon. Sam hesitated a bare second. "Fourth grade it was," he said with sullen reluctance.

Blanchard interrupted. "Ban't the time to argue, Will. Do it, an' do it sharp, if't will add wan grain o' hope to the baaby's chance." The younger woman's sufferings rose to a frantic half-hushed scream at the protracted delay. "O Christ, why for do 'e hold back? Ban't anything worth tryin' for your awn son? I'd scratch the stone out wi' my raw, bleedin' finger-bones if I was a man.

You're all bleedin' stoop your head a bit there!" and very tenderly she staunched the cut below the curly hair with an apron clean and spotless as usual. "And the b'y lord, what's come to him?" "A black eye two, I'm afraid. Anyhow, I'll look after him and get him into bed before she comes; can you keep her away till I've done so?" "I'll try.

It isn't much; and by and by a few rank weeds 'ull spring from it, and old Joey there, who's paid to grub round the graves, old Joey 'ull curse and say: a weedy fellow that, a rotten, weedy blackguard; and spit on his hands and hoe, till the weeds lie bleedin' their juices the last heirs of me ... the last issue of my loins!"

May no mournful voice be found, Though wowzers do attack us! In the darkness I called to them as they went down the gangway into their boat, "What is a wowzer?" "'E's a bloomin' 'oo wants to do unto others wot 'e's bleedin' well done to 'imself." The wowzers are more active in Hawaii, the most temperate portion of Polynesia, than in the Maori isles of New Zealand.

One of them would slyly say, "Darby, 'oo th' blinkin' 'ell was this blighter, General Grant?" Or, "Hi sye, Sandy, Hi 'eard Darby syin' 'ow this General Lee was a bleedin' swab." Then Sanford and I would pass the wink and go at it tooth and nail. It was ridiculous, arguing the toss on a long-gone-by small-time scrap like the Civil War with the greatest show in history going on all around us.

And 'e was the ruin of me; and now 'e's 'listed for a soldier and going off with another woman!" "You're bleedin' drunk, that's what you are!" said a man's voice, "and if you down't take kear I'll send ye 'ome on a dawer!" "Strike me, will ye, ye dog? Do it! I dare you!"