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"Well," sez I, "mebby there is more or less internal heart bleedin' goin' on in the wimmen's hearts that have to divide a man's love and care a dozen times." Sez I, "A hull man's hull affections are onstiddy and wobblin' and oncertain enough without dividin' it up so many times." Them wimmen wuz touched.

'E's a bleedin' trial to these ships." That was puzzling. Did not these natives of Tahiti themselves wear little clothing? Who were they to object to a white man doffing the superfluities of dress in a climate where breadfruit and bananas grow? Or the French, the governors of Tahiti? Were they, in that isle so distant from Paris, their capital, practising a puritanism unknown at home?

I useter drive up de cows en mah feet would be so cole en mah toes cracked open en bleedin', en I'd be cryin' 'til I got almos' ter de house den I'd wipe mah eyes on de bottom ob mah dress, so de Marster wouldin' know dat I had bin cryin'. He'd say, "Frankie ain't you cryin'?" I'd say, "No suh." "Ez you cole?" "Yes, sir." He would say kum on en warm.

"Stretch your neck ye bantam," laughed Jake Dolan. "Walk turkey fashion, Watts," cried Henry Schnitzler, rushing up behind Watts and grabbing his waistband. The crowd roared. Watts looked imploringly at the recruiting officer and blubbered in wrath: "Yes, damn you yea; that's right. Of course; you won't let me die for my bleedin' country because I ain't nine feet tall."

If I could get some one to help her with the work, she'd be glad and willing to look after Uncle Ike." "We must find some way out of it," said Quincy, as they parted. His next visit was to the home of Arthur Scates. He found the young man in bed and in a very weak condition. "He's had two o' them bleedin' spells," said his grandmother, "an' las' night I thought sure he was a goner.

I was afore him, and when I heard the report, an' turned round, there he lay, shot an' bleedin'. I thought it mightn't signify, but on lookin' at him closely, I found him quite dead. I then ran home, never touchin' the gun at all, till his family and the neighbors 'ud see him.

We have, he says, 'in our mist th' Hon'rable Lafayette Hadley, whose notes, he says, 'falls as sweetly on th' ear, he says, 'as th' plunk iv hivin's rain in a bar'l, he says. 'If annywan has a hemorrhage iv anthems in this hall, it'll be Lafe Hadley, th' Guthrie batsoon, he says. 'Ye shall not, he says, 'press down upon our bleedin' brows, he says, 'this cross iv thorns, he says.

Wen I paddle close up, I don' know 'im no more dan stranger, an' me an' Johnnie Platt is trap togeder wan winter. Wat you t'ink of dat?" "I saw a fellow killed that way at Holy Cross," interpolated the trader. "'Hello, I say, 'w'at's de matter? An' den I see somet'ing 'bout 'im dat look familiar. Hees face she's all swell' up an' bleedin' lak' raw meat."

Plenty of fresh meat, good grazing, and fine water." After a moment he added: "He was hit pretty hard. He was bleedin' bad at the summit." In the firelight Langdon began cleaning his rifle. "You think he may clear out leave the country?" Bruce emitted a grunt of disgust. "Clear out? Run away? Mebbe he would if he was a black. But he's a grizzly, and the boss of this country.

"Lawst 'im," she said. "Used to give sixpence a week to the woman what 'ad 'alf the 'ouse with me to look after 'im while I was workin' at the fact'ry. But what did the bleedin' b do? Blimey, if she didn't let 'im get run over by the dray from the brewery." "Killed?" I said, clutching at baby. The woman nodded without speaking. I asked her how old her child had been. "More'n four," she said.