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"Heath ought to have one," he had said to his father. Heath was the house-steward. "Think of the letters the poor chap has to write to trades-people to order things, and unorder them, and blackguard the shopkeepers when they are not satisfactory. Invest in one for Heath, father." "It is by no means a bad idea," Lord Dunholm reflected. "Time would be saved by the use of it, I have no doubt."

Catch th' blackguard! bawls O'Toole, rolling on th' pavement, laffin' an' bawlin'. "That old beggar was clipper built, fer sure, for wid her skirts clewed up she ware bearin' down fast on th' old mate an' kept his bow-legs a-lurchin' afore th' crowd a-comin' along in th' wake a-yellin' an' hootin' like mad.

Mr. Thurwell drew a few steps backward, and his keen gray eyes swept the open country round. "There was no one in sight when we got here; but the blackguard can't be far away!" he said. "Heggs, and you, Smith, and you, Cook, go through the spinney as fast as you can, one in the middle and one on each side, mind! I will go up Falcon's Hill and look round.

'It was found by Mother Jael near the spot where Jentham was murdered. Captain Pendle clapped down the pistol on the table with an ejaculation of amazement. 'Was he shot with this, Harry? 'Without doubt! replied Brace, gravely. 'Therefore, as it is your property, I wish to know how it came to be used for that purpose. 'Great Scott, Brace! you don't think that I killed the blackguard?

"Because he's the biggest old blackguard in Idaho and more treacherous than any Indian ever could be if he tried. I just thought I'd tell you, in case you didn't know it. I'm certain as I can be of anything, that he's at the bottom of this placer-claim fraud, and he's just digging your ranch out from under your feet while he wheedles you into thinking he's looking after your interests.

"But, sir, we must look to the welfare of our country. What are the lives of a few sailors common fellows compared to the rich commerce we enjoy with England? The wealthy men of New England would surely be ruined by war." "Ye blackguard! do ye set up the riches of New England against the life of men because they are poor?" "Certainly," answered Mr.

I knew he was a Papist and a rebel and every kind of a blackguard, but I'd never have thought he was a coward." While he spoke, a small boy came running down the hill. He brought the surprising intelligence that the Wolfe Tone Republicans were advancing in good order from a totally unexpected direction. Jimmy McLoughlin looked round and saw them. So did Mr. Hinde.

"Then, if it is a boy, you want me to leave him with you?" she asked, bending over her sewing. "Leave him with me! Do you mean that you intend to go back to that blackguard?" "He is my husband. He isn't always cruel." "Good God!" shouted Anthony. "How did I ever happen to have such a craven creature for a daughter?" "Anyhow," said Elinor, "it will be his child, father."

Somebody went so far, however, as to ask whether he had ever seen any manifestation of ill-will between Stuyvesant and Recruit Foster, whereat Connelly looked astonished, seemed to forget his fever, and to show something akin to indignation. "No, indeed!" said he. There was nothing but good-will of the heartiest kind everywhere throughout the detachment except for that one blackguard, Murray.

A gentleman, we will suppose, does not blackguard his neighbors, nor talk incessantly about himself and his achievements, nor behave elsewhere as he would be ashamed to behave in his club or in his own family. If a gentleman does not do these things, of course a gentleman does not do them in a newspaper.