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"Jane, you never played fair with me. But now you're blisterin' your lips blackenin' your soul with lies!" "By the memory of my mother by my Bible no! No, I have no Bible! But by my hope of heaven I swear I love you!" Lassiter's gray lips formed soundless words that meant even her love could not avail to bend his will.

"Oh, I'm not blaming her, am I? As far as that goes all the women like her well enough, and so do all the dogs and the children. The trouble seems to be, doesn't it, merely that the men like her too much? She's got a way with her, there's no question about that." "Why in thunder do you want to blacken her character?" "I wasn't blackenin' her character.

Holding his hands behind his back the man addressed moved towards her slowly, for he was conscious of the grime that was on them. Before he had spoken his apology she ordered him none too gently to go and wash them, ending with an emphatic: "Git!" "Yes'm," was his meek answer, though he called back as he disappeared: "Been blackenin' my boots." The Girl took up the word quickly. "Boots!

"Behave now," she said firmly; "sorra bit no," she proceeded; "and whilst all the world was against him, runnin' him down and blackenin' him was she ever the girl to stand up behind his back and defend him like a hem defend him, I say, as a girl that loved him ought, and a generous-girl would?" "But how could she when she believed, him to be wrong?"

At daybreak Joe awoke, and nudged his bed-mate and said: "Dave, the cocks has crowed!" No answer. He nudged him again. "Dave, the hens is all off the roost!" Still no reply. Daylight streamed in through the cracks. Joe sat up he was at the back and stared about. He glanced at the face of his bed-mate and chuckled and said: "Who's been blackenin' y', Dave?"