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And if one o' them Injun's sick, or the like, he treats 'em like a sure-'nough hospital sawbones. "Then he is a physician?" I asked suddenly. "I reckon he's most anything that a man kin l'arn out o' books," declared Captain Tugg. "He sent by me to Buenos Ayres here, first trip I made after we'd gone partners in the animal biz, for the greatest old outfit of drugs and the like you ever see.

Good-by, folkses," said he, waving his hat to his late traveling companions. "I'se mighty sorry to leave yer, but biz is biz, yer know, an' I'se got a job. Wish yer good luck, all on yer. Jes let 'em know I'm on der way, will yer? Ef yo' gits dar afo' I do, Jes tell 'em I'se a-comin' too,"

"Dodey's an awful clever girl, and she wouldn't be in this biz eight hours if that gold mine " "Sure, I know!" I interrupted; "possibly Mademoiselle is thirsty a little wine, eh?" "You betcher sweet!" the stout person replied, with a celerity that made Bunch sit up and look about the room to see if anyone suspected him. "Dodey is always for the suds thing," Skinski chipped in.

'Wal, sir, I was so busy watchin' them women that I didn't notice nothin' else 'cept you an' the guard of course I thought he was tendin' to his biz. When they stopped to talk on the bridge, I begun to crawl along closte to the bridge, an' then you know how it was all comin' so suddin? When I see the feller go over, an' seen you start to'rds the water, I jest took after the others.

Ezekiel knew his biz and turned in a day's work right straight along, but when you'd say, 'Nice day, Scraggs? he'd heave such a sigh you could feel the draft all the way acrost the bull-pen, and only shake his head. "Up to this time Wind-river had enjoyed a cinch on the mournful act. He'd had a girl sometime durin' the Mexican war, and she'd borrowed Smith's roll and skipped with another man.

Winifred produced a five-pound note, saying: "Well, perhaps you'd better pay him, but you mustn't stand the tickets too." Val pocketed the fiver. "If I do, I can't," he said. "Good-night, Mum!" He went out with his head up and his hat cocked joyously, sniffing the air of Piccadilly like a young hound loosed into covert. Jolly good biz! After that mouldy old slow hole down there!

I had hoped you might have peddled that opium through the islands, which is safer and more profitable. But with this three-month limit, you must make tracks for Honolulu straight, and communicate by steamer. I'll try to put up something for you there; I'll have a man spoken to who's posted on that line of biz.

He gits hit from Joe Craig, en he got hit from Logan, so I guess hit's right. The original note was three thousand dollars. They overdrew en added some. The int'rest en costs runs hit to forty-two hundred. The grass bill is less'n three hundred. The whole biz is near forty-five hundred." "Why, a little performing elephant is worth that!" scorned the midget.

I'd rather go on the road to-day with a line of shoes made out of soft blotting paper, if they had good things said about them in the magazines and if flaming posters went with them than to try to dish out oak-tanned soles with prime calf uppers at half price and with a good line of palaver. It's the lad who sticks type that, when you get right down to it, does the biz.

'Dolph short for Godolphus pricked both ears and studied the sky-line. Tilda became severe. "Look here, Godolphus," she explained, "this is biz-strict biz. You may wag your silly Irish tail, but that don't take me in. Understand? . . . Well, the first thing you 'ave to do is take me to Bill." Godolphus was dashed; hurt, it may be, in his feelings.