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And the second bang! whiz! he shot up to Colonel, right over the heads of everybody, line and field. Nobody in the old Tenth grumbled. They saw that he knew his biz. I know all about him. What'll you bet?" "I'm not a betting man, Lieutenant, except in a friendly game of poker," sighed Old Grumps.

He mumbled away exactly as though he were saying his prayers and didn't want any one to understand what language they were in. But I managed to catch a few words: "Biz biz biz biz biz otherwise known as Luke the Hermit, of biz biz biz biz for killing his partner with biz biz biz otherwise known as Bluebeard Bill on the night of the biz biz biz in the biz biz biz of Mexico.

"My father says he knows all about a boat; and he would trust him farther than he would most men," added Rosabel. "Didn't he take the Orion into the river in the fog?" "He didn't manage the yacht: Captain Bounce was on board. I have been in boats before, and I think I can tell when a boatman knows his biz," replied Charley, confidently.

His face was crimson with mortification, but it never occurred to him to be angry. "What brought you back?" he asked huskily. "Hosses." "Are you going to drive this afternoon?" "Yep. One of young Nelson's colts in the last ring. Say," he added, "he's game, all right. Me and him have done biz before. Know him?" "Carter Nelson? Oh, yes; I know him," said Sandy, impatient to be rid of his companion.

But, as the poet has it, "Pleasure is pleasure, and biz is biz, and kep' in a sepyrit jug." The first duty of a captain is to have no friends. From small causes great events do spring. If Burgess had not picked up a particularly interesting novel after breakfast on the morning of Mike's interview with Firby-Smith in the study, the list would have gone up on the notice-board after prayers.

"Sit down, Jess," he said sharply, "and write a letter to Zip asking him, in your best lingo, to let you have your kid. An' when you done that I'll see he gets it, an' I'll see you get the kid. But make the letter good an' hot. Pile up the agony biz. I'll fix the rest." For a moment the woman looked into his face, now lit with such a cruel grin. Something in her heart gave her pause.

Winifred produced a five-pound note, saying: "Well, perhaps you'd better pay him, but you mustn't stand the tickets too." Val pocketed the fiver. "If I do, I can't," he said. "Good-night, Mum!" He went out with his head up and his hat cocked joyously, sniffing the air of Piccadilly like a young hound loosed into covert. Jolly good biz! After that mouldy old slow hole down there!

Whi whew, whi whew, chirrup, chip, chip the deck was alive in an instant, "as bees biz out wi" angry fyke. "Where is the captain of the mizzen top?" growled the man in authority. "Here, sir." "Here, sir! look at the weather clew of the mizzen topsail, sir, look at that sail, sir, how many turns can you count in that clew, sir? Spring it, you no sailor you spring it, and set the sail again."

"Heard about that chicken-killing affair, mebbe, and none of them anxious to add a goose to the exhibit." "It would be right easy to give that surprise party a first-class surprise," chuckled Dick. "Shall I drop a pill or two down among them, just to let them know we're on the premises?" "Now, don't you, Dick. We'll have to put half of 'em out of biz, and get shot up by the rest, if you do."

Besides, Barker would be sure to catch us in the pantry, and make a clamour if we took cups; we must manage without things from the house." "There's a large biscuit-tin lid in the hen-yard," suggested Sadie. "If we washed it very well, it would do as a frying pan." "Good biz!" "What could we fry?" The commissariat question was indeed the problem of problems.