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Judging from what Smith said the men were very down-hearted and in vicious spirits. They were ready to bite at the first hand in reach, after the manner of trapped coyotes. "How many of them are there?" I asked. "Let's see. There's the two Flemings, sir, and Gallagher, and the cook, and Neidlinger, and Mack, but he won't last long." "Do you think they're likely to hurt the boy?"

I have been in Sicily before, and you have no idea how the fleas bite." Our two midshipmen climbed up into the cart, nestled themselves into the straw, or rather Indian corn leaves, and were soon fast asleep.

She was for the most part a very reserved and silent old lady, but her tongue could bite like a whip when the need arose. She occupied her own dower-rooms in the house, and rarely went outside them.

So meaneth this serpent out of the hedge securely and unavoidably to bite his neighbour, and is in that respect more base and more hurtful than the most flat and positive slanderer.

"Carlo's bitten him in the calf," said Nellie, tightening her lips. This, at any rate, was not imaginary. "The kid was teasing him as usual, I suppose?" he suggested. "That I don't know," said Nellie. "But I know we must get rid of that dog." "Serious?" "Of course we must," Nellie insisted, with an inadvertent heat, which she immediately cooled. "I mean the bite." "Well it's a bite right enough."

"Jack, I wish you would tell me just what you mean," said Marcy impatiently. "All right. Give me a chance and I will. But, in the first place, what was Bose barking at while I was gone? He acted as though he was getting ready to bite something or somebody. Was it Hanson?" "That's just who it was," replied Marcy. "And did Bose hold him until you had opportunity to speak to him!" continued Jack.

As he expressed it, he was sick of women. They made him tired. Too much fuss trying to keep even with their vagaries. A man liked something he could bite on. He plunged with all the enthusiasm and energy of his vivid personality into his business deal of the water lots and into the fascinating downtown life of the pioneer city.

As I concluded he slapped me on the back, and declared that I should join his party, and should never want for a bite or sup while Ned Harding was to the fore.

The three boys laughed heartily, and David warned: "We'll all have to be lookin' out or there won't be a bite o' goose left for anybody if Doctor Joe gets at un first!" Doctor Joe arranged a plate for Lem, upon which he placed a choice piece of breast and a section of one of David's loaves, which proved, when broken, to be light and short and delicious.

It seemed to know it was in the hands of friends, and safe from the barking dogs. And though wild squirrels quickly bite one who manages to catch them alive in the woods, this one did not offer to nip the hands of the children or of Uncle Tad. "Yes," said Uncle Tad after a bit, "I think I can mend this squirrel's leg. It doesn't seem to be broken, only strained and bruised.