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It just says "thy father an' thy mother"; and that's all you and I've got to do with it. Let's look to our part, and perform it. But folks is always in such a hurry to settle other people's bis'ness that they lose sight of their own. 'Oh, Goody, you're right! What a monster, what a bad girl you must think me! Theo sat up straight. 'I am ashamed of myself.

I'm pretty well, said Poll. 'Are you living at this end of the town, or were you coming to see me? Was that the bis'ness that brought you to Holborn? 'I haven't got no bis'ness in Holborn, returned Bailey, with some displeasure. 'All my bis'ness lays at the West End. I've got the right sort of governor now.

'The first matter relates to your governor, Sammy, said Mr. Weller. 'He's a-goin' to be tried to-morrow, ain't he? 'The trial's a-comin' on, replied Sam. 'Vell, said Mr. Weller, 'Now I s'pose he'll want to call some witnesses to speak to his character, or p'rhaps to prove a alleybi. I've been a-turnin' the bis'ness over in my mind, and he may make his-self easy, Sammy.

'And wot's to become o' the bis'ness? inquired Sam. 'The bis'ness, Samivel, replied the old gentleman, 'good-vill, stock, and fixters, vill be sold by private contract; and out o' the money, two hundred pound, agreeable to a rekvest o' your mother-in-law's to me, a little afore she died, vill be invested in your name in What do you call them things agin? 'Wot things? inquired Sam.

'Blow the cockade, though; for, except that it don't turn round, it's like the wentilator that used to be in the kitchen winder at Todgers's. You ain't seen the old lady's name in the Gazette, have you? 'No, returned the barber. 'Is she a bankrupt? 'If she ain't, she will be, retorted Bailey. 'That bis'ness never can be carried on without ME. Well! How are you? 'Oh!

How are you gettin' on, and how is the chandlery bis'ness likely to do? Well, I am so glad to see you. How happy you look. It's quite a treat to see you; ain't it, Mr. Muzzle? 'Quite, said Mr. Muzzle. 'So cheerful he is! said Sam. 'In such good spirits! said Muzzle. 'And so glad to see us that makes it so much more comfortable, said Sam. 'Sit down; sit down. Mr.

Why, this here old lady next me is a-drowndin' herself in tea. 'Be quiet, can't you? murmured Sam. 'Sam, whispered Mr. Weller, a moment afterwards, in a tone of deep agitation, 'mark my vords, my boy. If that 'ere secretary fellow keeps on for only five minutes more, he'll blow hisself up with toast and water. 'Well, let him, if he likes, replied Sam; 'it ain't no bis'ness o' yourn.

'Well, I don't know, mother; not much to boast on. There ain't no bis'ness done, you see. He don't know anything about it the Cap'en don't. There was a man come into the shop this very day, and says, "I want a so-and-so," he says some hard name or another. "A which?" says the Cap'en. "A so-and-so," says the man. "Brother," says the Cap'en, "will you take a observation round the shop."

He'll be back maybe in an hour maybe he don't come back at all. He don't know noddin about dis bis'ness and nobody don't let him know noddin about it until to-morrow. Den my little Beesving know de first. Half de fun is in de surprise." The detective at once lost interest in Kling, and turned to the tramp again the two moving out of Otto's hearing.

Her mother's brother, gentlemen, failed for eight hundred pounds, as a law stationer. 'Vell, said Mr. Weller, who had grown rather restless during this discussion, 'vith regard to bis'ness. The word was music to Pell's ears.