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Perhaps none of them realized how little of this abundance was compassed by Brent's exertions how many days he spent dawdling on the river bank idly experimenting with the echoes how often, even when he affected to work, he left the plow in the furrow while he followed till sunset the flight of successive birds through the adjacent pastures, imitating as he went the fresh mid-air cry, whistling in so vibrant a bird-voice, so signally clear and dulcet, yet so keen despite its sweetness, that his brothers at the plow-handles sought in vain to distinguish between the calls of the earth-ling and the winged voyager of the empyreal air.

"Mary! Mary Chilton! Maid Mary mine!" called Priscilla Molines in her clear bird-voice, as she ran down the steps leading to the principal cabin. "Come on deck and see the launch of the pinnace! The carpenters call her fit for use if not finished, and the men have gone ashore to launch her. Where art thou, poppet!"

"'Tell us where began Buffy-Bob. "But the lark was out of sight. His song was all that was left of him. That was everywhere, and he was nowhere. "'Selfish bird! said Buffy. 'It's all very well for larks to go hunting the sun, but they have no business to despise their neighbours, for all that. "'Can I be of any use to you? said a sweet bird-voice out of the nest.