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"Now," said the little man, "we shall have to hide. The police will be scouring the neighborhood. Have you a refuge handy?" "No," said Hal. "Then you shall come with me." He hesitated a moment, then added: "Which do you love best, your country or gold?" Hal took a long chance. "Gold," he said briefly. The little man slapped him familiarly on the back. "As all true Apaches!" he exclaimed. "Bien!

For looking from childhood into this livid glass that reflected their world, they have peopled it with strange spirits. Men and women in the real world recognise the awful power of these spirits, without understanding them, not having been brought up themselves in front of this mirror. But the survivor knows the mirror too well. "Mademoiselle, vous etes triste." "Monsieur, j'en ai bien le droit."

And, VICE VERSA, veracity to sentiment, truth in a relation, truth to your own heart and your friends, never to feign or falsify emotion that is the truth which makes love possible and mankind happy. L'ART DE BIEN DIRE is but a drawing-room accomplishment unless it be pressed into the service of the truth.

Having in an excursion reached the summit of one of the highest hills on the island, where the sea was visible all round him, he shook his head with affected solemnity, and exclaimed in a bantering tone, "Eh! il faut avouer que mon ile est bien petite."

In walking the fashionable streets of London one can hardly fail to be struck with the well-dressed look of gentlemen of all ages. The special point in which the Londoner excels all other citizens I am conversant with is the hat. I have not forgotten Beranger's "Quoique leurs chapeaux soient bien laids ! moi, j'aime les Anglais;"

As he was sitting at the table in his back room, registering his sunset observations, and wondering what would become of him if Aurora should be out and that other in, he was startled by a loud, deep voice exclaiming, close behind him: "Eh, bien! Monsieur le Professeur!"

'Verily, ma mie, said Louis, 'I see no such great improbability in the tale. They have been bred up to the like, no doubt a mountain kite of the Vosges is a more congenial companion than a chevalier bien courtois. 'You speak thus simply to tease your poor Margot, she said, pleading yet trembling; 'but I know better than to think you mean it. 'As my lady pleases, he said.

"C'est bien vrai ca! I used to sing it without thinking at one time. How alike all those songs are. Always Death; Death and Liberty!" "Don't talk of those things, dear. It's going to be Life for both of us after to-morrow." "I was thinking of poor Emile." "He was always fond of you. He'll be glad when he hears you're married and safe." "Yes, he'll be glad.

Since I have had the drosky, in which there is too little room for an interpreter, I am making, to the smirking delight of Dmitri, the coachman, progress in Russian, since there is nothing left for me to do but to speak it tant bien que mal.

Not but, in general, they will shew greater indulgence to an Englishman, and be inclined to overlook in him that which they would consider as highly unpardonable in a stranger of any other country. On such occasions, their most usual exclamation is "Les Anglais sont des gens bien extraordinaires! Ma foi! ils sont inconcevables!"