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It covers an elevated plateau of which every side is precipitous, and above the entrance arch is a white marble tablet on which, in very bad Latin, the builder, Baron Hammer Purgstall, bewails the fact that the rocks by their irregular shape have caused him to violate the rules of classical architecture. Of such castles I visited as many as I could.

From that grinding lilt, with which the blind man, seeking pence, accompanies the beat of paddle wheels across the ferry, there is surely a difference rather of kind than of degree to that unearthly voice of singing that bewails and praises the destiny of man at the touch of the true virtuoso.

They refuse to make themselves known, and are bidden to prepare for death, while the act closes with the savage delight of the Scythians. The second act is in the prison. Orestes bewails his destiny, and refuses the consolation which Pylades offers in a noble and famous song.

He draws us to him with sympathy. He sounds the same mournful note which we detect in Thucydides. Tacitus deplores the folly and dissoluteness of the rulers of his nation; he bewails the misfortunes of his country. The merits we ascribe to Thucydides, diligence, accuracy, love of truth, impartiality, are his. The desire to quote from Tacitus is irresistible.

Persius sees that the decay of taste is intimately joined with the decay of morals, and the subtle connections he draws between the two constitute the chief merit of the effusion. Like Horace, but with even better reason, he bewails the antiquarian predilections of the majority of readers.

Day, symbol of all that is fatal to their love, has dawned. Tristan is silent, though Marke bewails the treachery of his nephew and his friend.

Where is a town where no orphan or widow bewails the day that saw your birth? She had sobs in her voice and she wrung her hands. 'Sir, she cried, 'I say you are as a dead man already your day of pride is past, whether ye aid us or no. Set yourself then to redress as heartily as ye have set yourself in the past to make sad.

In the course of her study of Milton, Annie had come upon Samson's lamentation over his blindness; and had found, soon after, the passage in which Milton, in his own person, bewails the loss of light. The thought that she would read them to Tibbie Dyster was a natural one.

What did she know of the divine right of passion, which I announce in the flame-death of the Walküre who has fallen from the grace of the gods? And again he bewails his loneliness to Praeger: "The commonest domestic details must now be done by me; the purchasing of kitchen utensils and such kindred matters am I driven to.

This fact is brought home to him by the arrival of the ghost-souls of the various articles hung upon his tomb, which hurry after him, but only overtake him at this his first resting-place; and he bewails his unhappy fate. There are current among Kayans several versions of the further journey of the soul.