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It was two in the morning when the dancers, bent on getting something to eat, adjourned the dancing for half an hour. And it was at this moment that Jack Kearns suggested poker. Jack Kearns was a big, bluff-featured man, who, along with Bettles, had made the disastrous attempt to found a post on the head-reaches of the Koyokuk, far inside the Arctic Circle.

Then Bettles, revolver in hand and coolly waiting a chance, settled the combat. ''Twas a square game, Kid, Lon remarked, rising to his feet and shaking the snow from out his sleeves; 'with a fair percentage to meself that bucked it. That night, while Lon McFane sought the forgiving arms of the Church in the direction of Father Roubeau's cabin, Malemute Kid talked long to little purpose.

'God prosper him; good luck go with him; and 'Confusion to the Mounted Police! cried Bettles, to the crash of the empty cups. The Priestly Prerogative This is the story of a man who did not appreciate his wife; also, of a woman who did him too great an honor when she gave herself to him. Incidentally, it concerns a Jesuit priest who had never been known to lie.

MEADOW-CLOVER. The inhabitants of Scania employ the heads to dye their woollen cloth green. URTICA dioica. NETTLE. The roots of bettles are used to dye eggs of a yellow colour against the feast of Easter by the religious of the Greek church, as are also madder and logwood for the same purpose. XANTHIUM strumarium. LESSER BURBOCK. The whole herb with the fruit dyes a most beautiful yellow.

You-all just wait till the big strike up river. Then you and me'll take the roof off and sit in a game that'll be full man's size. Is it a go?" They shook hands. "Of course he'll make it," Kearns whispered in Bettles' ear. "And there's five hundred Daylight's back in sixty days," he added aloud. Billy Rawlins closed with the wager, and Bettles hugged Kearns ecstatically.

Uneasy at the softening muscles and sinews of this long inaction, I took snow-shoes and a couple of Kobuks one day and made an ascent of the hill behind Bettles known as Lookout Mountain, because from its top the smoke of the eagerly expected first steamboat of the summer may be seen many miles down the river; being moved to that particular excursion by dispute among the weather-bound freighters as to the hill's height.

Father Roubeau, the humor of the situation just dawning on him, hid a smile behind his mittened hand. 'No, Lon; this rope was made for a man. Malemute Kid could be very impressive on occasion. 'What man? Bettles was becoming aware of a personal interest. 'The other man. 'An' which is the one ye'd mane by that? 'Listen, Lon and you, too, Bettles!

Bettles paused long enough to put his arm in a proper bear-hug around Daylight's neck. "When you an' me mushed into the Yukon in the good ole days, it didn't rain soup and they wa'n't no free-lunch joints. Our camp fires was lit where we killed our game, and most of the time we lived on salmon-tracks and rabbit-bellies ain't I right?"

Neither did Lon McFane, when he affirmed that anchor-ice was even more so; nor did Bettles, as he instantly disagreed, declaring the very existence of such a form to be a bugaboo. 'An' ye'd be tellin' me this, cried Lon, 'after the years ye've spint in the land! An' we atin' out the same pot this many's the day! 'But the thing's agin reasin, insisted Bettles.

Furthermore, all drinks and general treats that Daylight was guilty of ought to be paid by the house, for Daylight brought much custom to it whenever he made a night. Bettles was the spokesman, and his argument, tersely and offensively vernacular, was unanimously applauded. Daylight grinned, stepped aside to the roulette-table, and bought a stack of yellow chips.