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I need not play with men of skill, like those upon the boat. Here in New Orleans there are gaming-houses, plenty of them, where games of chance are carried on. These are of various kinds as faro, craps, loto, and roulette. I can choose some one of these, where bets are made on the tossing of a die or the turning of a card. It is just as likely I may win as lose. What say you, Monsieur?

Clarence was in his library, and he looked up with some curiosity when Lisle was shown in. Lisle came to the point at once. "You've no doubt noticed that Jim Crestwick has been going pretty hard of late," he said. "Bets, speculation, and that sort of thing. He can't keep it up on a minor's allowance. It will end in a bad smash if he isn't checked." Gladwyne's manner became supercilious.

"'Now stand your hand a second, says Enright, 'don't let's overlook no bets. Whatever has you Red Dog hold-ups got to eat, anyhow? "'Ain't got nothin' to eat much maybe some can stuff what you-alls calls air-tights, says the Red Dog man. 'But we has liquid, no limit. "'Got any can tomatters? says Boggs. "'Can tomatters we-alls is 'speshul strong on, says the Red Dog man.

I went under the wire about ten lengths ahead of Dick, and the fellows that had taken some of the $100 to $5 bets raised the yell and kept it up until you would have thought they were a pack of wild Indians. My friend Johnnie Hawkins took all the bets that he could get in that short time.

One day as Torcy was reading, coming unexpectedly for he had not examined the paper upon the account of these bets, he stopped, stammered, and skipped it. The King, who easily perceived this, asked him the cause of his embarrassment; what he was passing over, and why? Torcy blushed to the very whites of his eyes, and said it was a piece of impertinence unworthy of being read.

Then s-some of the men heard of it, and there were bets on it ten to one he wouldn't do it and twenty to one he couldn't do it. So Percy decided to try. Father was so afraid that some of the campers and guides would help him that he had notices sent out at Mr. Willoughby's suggestion offering a reward if Percy could be shown to have asked any assistance.

Presently Jost said, 'We will double our bets, Dietrich, and perhaps the luck will turn. Dietrich, only groaned. Then the red-haired fellow said, 'Come, let's go down and play cards with the cattle-dealer, and take a glass of something that will raise your spirits." "Dietrich never used to gamble; nor to drink when he was not thirsty;" cried Judith angrily. "Pooh!

The death of Louis XV., in 1774, brought the folly of the secret policy to an end, but in the same year rumours about d'Éon's dubious sex appeared in the English newspapers on the occasion of his book, Les Loisirs du Chevalier d'Éon, published at Amsterdam. Bets on his sex were made, and d'Éon beat some bookmakers with his stick.

Foley edged away. "Not good enough," he said, shaking his head. "I've had a good many bets with you first and last, Alf, but I can't remember as I ever won one yet. So long."

Therewith Jasper launched forth on the text of Russian existence in such glowing terms that Dolly Poole shut his aching eyes and fancied himself sledging down the Neva, covered with furs; a countess waiting for him at dinner, and counts in dozens ready to offer bets to a fabulous amount that Jasper Losely lost the rubber.