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'E said it was a sort of bet reely, and very likely 'e'd lose; but never mind that, 'e wanted to try. 'E always 'ad been a gambler, 'e said. 'E said I'd only got to weigh it out and 'e'd give me 'is cheque right away.

"I'm real glad to see you. Hope you had a nice trip down in the cars." "Lordy, yes'm!" was the emphatic answer, accompanied by a brilliant smile. "I never had such a long ride in my life. 'Twas just like bein' rich. I made believe I WAS rich most all the way, except when a man set down in the seat alongside of me and wanted to talk. Then I didn't make believe none, I bet you!"

They sprang up when they saw us and seemed about to engage in conversation with us when Antoine made his appearance. Antoine seemed to want to talk with us, too, but when he saw the two men who had been asleep in the cavern he hot-footed down the slope, with the two fellows after him. I never saw a man run so fast in my life." "I bet they chased him clear to our tree!" Thede cut in.

He turned almost as pale as Heinrich had done. "Where did you get this?" he demanded. "Tell us what it says," urged Mr. Cook. "This is certainly remarkable," said Karl, though by this time he had partly regained control of himself. "He won't read it, I bet," said Heinrich fiercely. "Keep quiet, Heinrich!" exclaimed Mr. Cook sharply. "Karl is a good American; of course he'll read. Won't you, Karl?"

There are no great names in their family, while from my family have sprung orators, novelists and poets." "Good!" Miss Annie cried. "I like to look at you when you talk like that." "I'll bet you ain't afraid of nobody," the old man declared. "I never saw an eye like yourn that was afraid, and a face, nuther. Oh, when it comes to looks, you are there all right.

An' I'm thankful to know that th' law has been avinged, that life an' property again ar-re safe in our fair land iv freedom, an' that th' wretched criminal lived long enough to get all he wanted to eat. "Justice is all a poor criminal asks f'r, an' that's what he gets. He don't desarve a anny betther. 'Tis like askin' on'y f'r a pair iv dooces in a car-d game an' havin to bet thim.

Fifty louis on Lusignan; what do you say to that?" Labordette looked at her with a singular expression. She leaned forward and asked him questions in a low voice, for she was aware that Vandeuvres commissioned him to arrange matters with the bookmakers so as to be able to bet the more easily. Supposing him to have got to know something, he might quite well tell it her.

Pretty near all our card-club gang are there now, and we'll have a gay old time and cheer you up! I bet you just let yourself go, and worried yourself into a fever, didn't you?" During this speech Lydia stood leaning against him, feeling the cloth of his sleeve rough on her bare forearm, feeling the stir and life of his body, the warmth of his breath on her face.

It ain't much to look at, but it suits me, and I am content to know that I could buy up the biggest place here if I had a fancy to. I don't take much money now, but I did when the place was young; and I bought a few lots of land, and you may bet they have turned out worth having. Well, don't you act rashly in this business.

My friend then ordered the drinks, thinking, no doubt, that if he would treat, old Jack would bet more liberally with him. When the bystanders saw Jack take another of those big drams, some of them remarked: "Those gamblers have that old fellow so drunk they will win all of his money before they let him go. It's a shame, and we ought to stop it."